I’m basking in the afterglow of a crazy hot make-out session when Samantha goes stiff. Shit. I was afraid of this, but she had me so worked up I ignored it.
“Don’t do that.” I stroke her hair.
“Do what?” She tries to sit up, but I hold her to me, reasoning that my words will have a greater impact if she knows I’m not watching her when I say them.
“Don’t freak out on me.” I let my hand roam down her back. “I told you we had chemistry, and it got away from us just now. Nothing wrong with that.”
“I don’t know why I did that-- what I was thinking.” She shakes her head against my neck.
“You weren’t thinking, you were feeling. We both were. That’s how chemistry works, Honey, and I told you we have a lot of it. More than I’ve felt with anyone else.” I kiss her temple and hug her to me, feeling suddenly protective.
“But…we didn’t even…and I…”
“You came? Of course, you did. It was beautiful. So beautiful you made me come too just watching you.”
“I did? You did?” She squeaks as she pulls away. This time I let her go so she can see the truth in my eyes.
“I did.” I make a little cross with my finger, which earns me a weak smile. “Seeing you writhe on me like that, damn. It felt so good. A better man would’ve tried to slow things down, but I couldn’t help myself. Did I go too fast?”
“You? I thought it was me. I was very forward.” She bites her lip as that pretty crimson color floods her cheeks.
God her innocence is sweet.
“You weren’t forward, you were passionate.” I run my fingers through her hair. “You gave yourself completely to the moment. That’s sexy. It was even better than my fantasies.”
“You…you fantasized about this?” She blinks as her jaw drops open.
“I’ve been fantasizing about touching you since the day we met. And if I’m being honest, after what we just did, I’m full of all sorts of other fantasies.”
Her mouth forms a little ‘o,’ which I kiss in the hope that she’ll stop questioning her actions. I know she hasn’t figured out it’s okay to be both a competent professional and a passionate woman, and I’m determined to make her see she doesn’t have to be one or the other. Not with me.
“What say we clean up then finish talking about the advisory board we’ll have to put together for the charity, ok?”
The color starts to drain from her face as she realizes she’s still straddling me, and she scrambles to pull away. I hold her firmly to me.
“What’d I say about not freaking out on me? Don’t let these work clothes fool you into thinking you crossed a line.” I tug at the fabric bunched on her hip. “I respect that you’re committed to your work and you’ve got a professional image to uphold, but that doesn’t mean you have to hide the passionate woman you just let me see. If you’re gonna hide her away behind your suits after each time I touch you then I’m gonna refuse to talk about work unless we’re naked, in bed. Now, go clean up and meet me back here.” I lift her off my lap and smooth her dress down for her.
I stand up and start to head inside, pausing when I notice Samantha isn’t following me. She’s standing right where I left her, so still it makes me wonder if that little ultimatum pushed her further back into her shell.
Suddenly she closes the distance between us and rises onto her toes to give me a chaste kiss. It’s the first time she’s initiated any physical contact with me, and corny as it sounds, I swear my heart beats a little faster knowing that I’m starting to win her over.
“I think you should call me Sam,” she whispers.
I don’t think she means to sound sexy, but she does, which means it’s going to be even harder than I first thought to get through the evening without touching her again.
Itakeanothersipof my wine, hoping it will provide some liquid courage for the conversation I’m about to have.
Technically, I did what Delaney asked and went outside my comfort zone to talk with Colt about something other than work. I know she was envisioning a harmless conversation about favorite tv shows or restaurants, not something as personal as the qualities he sees in me, or as intimate as the chemistry we feel.
Given that I’m a terrible liar, once she asks how the practice flirting went, I won’t be able to deny that we skipped past the flirting and went straight to dating. At least, I think that’s what happened. Colt hasn’t specifically said we’re dating, but he said he wants to see where this thing with us goes, which I think is the same thing.
I still haven’t quite come to terms with that. My previous experiences with men never got as far, physically or emotionally, as they have with Colt, and since those brief encounters left me feeling like the feminine part of me was broken or undesirable, I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Not to mention, the fact that he’s experienced, famous and also my client, gives me more anxiety than I’m willing to admit.
When we’re together, Colt is able to calm the part of my mind that likes to worry about all the ways in which this is overwhelming. He’s so confident in his desires, so patient with my caution, it’s hard not to trust in his belief that there’s something unique between us. When we’re apart, doubt creeps in.