“I’m confused.” I squint my eyes, trying to get a better read on things. “Do you or don’t you want me to help you build a charity?”

“Yes. Maybe. I just don’t know if now is the right time.”

“Then, why are you here?” I purse my lips, trying to wrap my head around the mixed messages he’s giving me.

“Sorta thought that was obvious.” He scratches the bridge of his nose.

“Not to me. You’ve made it a point to tell me how little time you have to do anything other than play ball during the season, so you could either scrap this idea altogether or ask me to build it for you and just put your name behind it. Neither of those requires you to be here.” I remind him, determined not to project myself onto him and force him into a role he’s not ready for.

“You said giving lip service to a cause wasn’t as effective as doing the work.” He arches a brow.

“It’s not, but if your schedule doesn’t permit for a lot of involvement, we can make you the face and nothing more. That leaves you free to walk out the door without scrapping the idea altogether. I’ll just update you as needed.” I collect my notes and set them aside since I won’t be needing them.

I’m a little disappointed that he’s not going to be more involved, but since he said he doesn’t make promises he can’t keep, Colt must feel like this is the right decision, and I respect that.

“Did you miss the part where I said you’re the reason I can’t just walk out that door, or are you choosing to ignore it?” He frowns, although he looks more confused than angry.

“I…uh.” I blink in rapid succession. “What?”

“I want to get to know you better.”

“Me?” I point to myself. “Why?”

“I told you. You’re refreshing.” His smile lacks the playful, teasing edge it usually has. Does that mean he’s being genuine?

Wait a minute. I basically admitted to having no life outside work during our dinner, this must be some sort of pity thing. He doesn’t have time for the charity right now, but he thinks I’m a workaholic that needs a friend.

Well, I guess I can at least be thankful he had the decency to say I’m refreshing instead of boring. I’d rather have no social life than one based on sympathy.

“That’s kind of you to offer, though I don’t usually socialize with clients.” I shuffle the papers on my desk to avoid looking at him. I don’t care if the fact that offering to be friends makes Colt a nice guy in a backhanded compliment sort of way, I don’t want to get to know him better just because he feels sorry for me.

Besides, I’m not sure he’s the kind of guy I can be friends with. He’s too suave and intimidating, putting me on edge whether he’s flirting or being sincere. I can’t trust myself not to interpret his meaning the wrong way.

“I can respect that. But I’m not a client. Yet.” I’d call his smirk wicked if it didn’t give me butterflies, which leaves me wondering if he expects me to laugh or swoon. I do neither.

“That may be.” My words sound terse even to my own ears, yet I’m resigned to keep this professional. “However, that doesn’t mean you won’t become a client, and I don’t like to mix business with my personal life.”

“I can see that about you,” he says thoughtfully, leaning forward so I can’t escape his gaze. “And I wouldn’t want you to compromise your morals. Though, if I have to choose between working with you professionally and getting to know you personally, I’ll choose the latter.” His voice seems to get deeper with that statement, and I find myself shivering involuntarily.

My head is sounding the alarm, warning me not to take the word of a notorious playboy at face value. I’ve been swayed by sugary words before, and fortunately I had enough control over my body to register that the words were part of an act before things went too far.

Around Colt, I don’t feel in control, which means I should proceed with caution.

“I’m not sure I feel the same.” I try to hold his stare, but I falter and look at the desk, because I’m not sure I truly believe it. I’m well aware that he ignites something in me I’ve never felt before, and on some level, I want to explore it. Except, I’m confused by what I’m feeling, and intimidated by the man sitting across from me. As a result, I’m not sure how much I trust my own judgement right now, so keeping this professional is probably in my best interest.

“Your body says otherwise.” Colt’s eyes roam over me.

“What?” My spine goes stiff. I want to be offended by that statement, but he’s not wrong. I’m all too aware of my nipples puckering under his gaze, my core tingling. I hate that my body responds to him, although there’s no question it does.

“I see the way you look at me. The way you fidget when I look at you. There’s chemistry between us, you can’t deny it.” He draws an imaginary line from me to him. “But it’s more than that, isn’t it? I see through your act, and you see through mine. That doesn’t mean anything to you?” He implores, his gaze so penetrating it feels like he’s not looking at me so much as into me.

Between my pounding heart and my spinning head I feel anxious, unsettled. I’ve never been the focus of such intensity, and never from a man so breathtakingly handsome. It’s overwhelming.

I take a deep breath to calm my racing heart, and shore up my resolve. “You’re nice to look at, yes.” He smiles knowingly. “And you make me feel…something. But I’m not interested in being your latest fling.”

There’s no mistaking the wince this time as he exhales and looks to the ground.

“So, my past does scare you.” He shakes his head absently. “I wondered,” he says more to himself than me.