Playing like I don’t know what he’s talking about, ‘cause I don’t, I keep it light. “What old lady business? You got another bitch I don’t know about?” I know he doesn’t. Blimp is forthcoming about all his exploits. If he screws a whore on Sunday, you can bet by Monday morning I’ve heard the entire play-by-play down to if she spits or swallows. Have I forgotten to mention that when he bangs other bitches he forces them to drink his spunk? Yep. That’s a thing. Fucking and dick sucking until he spills down their throat. The gentleman in him allows them to spit after he’s unloaded, but he refuses to pull out. Blimp loves painting a woman’s insides with cum—takes pride in it. I find it hot when I watch him do it with other women. Most of them can’t get enough.
Blimp kisses my shoulder a second time. “No. I’m thinkin’ we’re good together. Maybe we should… ya know.”
“No, sexy, I don’t know,” I lie, worried I’m reading into crap I shouldn’t be. “My brain is fucked out of my head. There’s nothin’ left. That’s what happens when you force me to come like that.” Which is true. Mostly.
He nips the cap of my shoulder playfully. “I like when ya squirt.”
Like it? If I’d let him do it every time, he would. He loves it. Probably too much.
“I know ya do, but it makes a huge mess. And I can’t stand for like five hours afterward.” Also, true.
“Worth it, though. You know I’ll handle the sheets and all that shit before we get some sleep.”
“I do know that.” He’s the kindest man after a wild sex session. Always has been. Even when we were in our prime, he was considerate. The older he’s gotten, the more it shows. I love that about him. It’s a huge reason why I’ve been with him all these years.
Using the wall to brace himself, Blimp lowers us to the shower floor. My legs stay wrapped around him as his stretch out. That naughty cock twitches as it cuddles up to its favorite partner. “Sweetheart, look at me for a minute.”
I do, but keep my arms draped around his neck. My droopy, sleep deprived eyes meet his equally tired ones as water drips from his beard down his front. “Yes?”
Blimp brushes the apple of my cheek with his thumb. “Let’s not lie to ourselves.”
“O-kay?” My stomach somersaults in trepidation.
Blimp’s face softens to the cuddly bear version of the man I adore. “I love you. You love me. We’ve loved each other a long damn time even if we don’t say it… Been through a lot together. Seen a lot together. Done a lot together. Yeah?”
Holy. Shit.
Tongue tied, I nod like an idiot.
“Don’t ya think it’s about time you’re my old ladyandmy slut? Things won’t change. I’m still gonna bang who I want. You’re still gonna do what you want. But we’re gettin’ a little too old to dance around this any longer. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Where is this coming from?
“I… I don’t know.” And I don’t. I can honestly say I’ve never considered this an option before. We do us. It works. End of story.
Blimp’s lip twitches as if he’s trying hard not to laugh at the befuddled expression written across my face. “Have I been readin’ shit wrong for years?”
Um… I guess not. “No.”
“Then there’s love here, true?” he tests.
Am I dreaming? Did I fall asleep after that last orgasm? ‘Cause we’ve never talked like this before. Not about feelings and stuff.
“Yes…I love you.” I’m apprehensive. He’s the only man I’ve ever loved. Apart from Jade, Blimp is my best friend, my lover, and the person I trust most in this world.
He drops a quick kiss to my upper lip before carrying on. I’m too shocked to do more than stare as water cascades down my spine. “And I love the hell outta you. So, I wanna put a property patch on that back.”
A property patch like Bink? Like Pixie? And Debbie and… all the Sacred Sisters? Fuck.
“Umm… Do I gotta wear a cut?” Like them.
Blimp massages those mitts up and down my biceps before gliding them up my shoulders to my throat, where he curves his fingers around it in a dominant display of ownership. “Yes. You gotta wear one.” His thumbs stroke the underside of my jaw.
I swallow against the pressure. “Then nobody will ever touch me again.”
His brows furrow. “Why?”