Page 7 of The Arrangement

“There is none.” Officer Marik clarifies. He’s one of the good ones on the force. All the brothers, even prez, likes him. He’s fair and only steps in when necessary.

Their boss spins around to address the situation. “Excuse me?”

“We’ve tried to pull footage twice. His cam was off. All we could pull from is the dash cam.”

“And?” she presses.

“Loretta’s story matches what I observed.”

Fuck yeah, it does.

“And Moranis’ account?” Wanda prompts, foot tapping the ground in agitation.

“Says Blimp was hostile and refused to leave.”

“So, you’re saying Officer Moranis disobeyed direct orders, left his body cam off, and lied?”

Marik confirms what we all know to be true. “Yes. It would appear that way, Captain.”

Moranis breaks into a soft sob, unable to get the final cuff loose. Knowing this needs to get handled sooner rather than later, Marik strides in and takes over my release as Wanda waves her insubordinate officer from the room with the jerk of her chin.

“Thanks,” I tell Marik, as I massage my wrists that’ll have bruises on them by tomorrow.

Holding the cuffs in one hand, the buff cop stands in front of us, head shaking. “No thanks needed. This shouldn’t have happened in the first place. I already reached out to Big. He knows Cap is handling it. I don’t see Moranis makin’ it past tonight.”

“It’s probably for the best he’s gone before Big… ya know.” Loses his temper and makes Moranis disappear. It’s bound to happen with the kid’s reckless behavior. In most cities, they’d applaud him for bringing a biker in. Not here. Transferring him to some place better suited for his type of patrolling is smarter for us all. I don’t want the boy to get dead on our account. He’s too young to die from stupidity.

Marik nods once, then ambles to the door. “Yep… Well, y’all have a good night.”

“Thanks, Marik. You, too.” Loretta waves goodbye.

“Later,” I call to his back before turning to my gal. “You ready to blow this popsicle stand, beautiful?”

Smiling like I handed her a million dollars, Loretta leans in for a hug, which I am more than happy to give. ‘Cause I’m a greedy bastard, I pull the fox onto my lap for a quick cuddle.

Her nose nuzzles my shoulder as she strokes my beard. “Time with you is never boring.”

“Back atcha, babe.” I caress the side of her breast and she chuckles.

“We can’t do that here. Let me talk to Wanda. See if she can give us a ride back to my place.”

“That all you want her for?” I tease, searching for her nipple through the outside of her shirt. It pebbles on contact, so I do what any red-blooded man would do and roll it between my fingers to get her wet. Hell, my dick is already back to full mast. He’s determined to paint the inside of Loretta’s cunt white tonight. Picasso ain’t got nothin’ on him.

Groaning into my shoulder, my gal lets me play however I wish.

Now let’s go get our fuck on before I take her right on this bench.



Arms cuffed to my slatted headboard, head thrown back, my spine arches off the bed, heels digging into the mattress as I come, and come, and fucking come.

“Wanda!” I howl, jerking my restraints as she sucks my clit with abandon. Her hands keep my hips from bucking.

“Suck harder.” Blimp shoves the back of Wanda’s head, forcing her to latch onto my pussy, as he fucks her face down, ass up. The sound of skin slapping skin and her moans vibrating against my sensitive nerves has my body shaking uncontrollably.

She does as she’s told, and I gasp, eyes squeezing shut, tears leaking from the corners.