Page 5 of The Arrangement

The officer raises his gun and aims it at Blimp’s chest.


Not fazed in the least, my favorite guy looks at me. “Sweetheart, get yourself together, please.”

Right. Clothes.

Sighing, I push off the wall to do as I’m told. Which is boring, but whatever. It’s obvious the newcomer doesn’t know the score, or he’d have apologized and left. Trust me when I say this isn’t the first, nor will it be the last time, Blimp and I have gotten caught having naughty fun outdoors. Thing is, we won’t do it with kids around and adults are smart enough to turn a blind eye.

“Identification, sir,” the rookie addresses Blimp, who then slaps the patch on his chest that displays his name.

The police officer repeats himself. “Identification, sir.”

Rolling my eyes, I rest my back against the building, hoping this game will be over soon so we can get back to fucking. Maybe not here, but somewhere. His tongue will be on my clit by night’s end.

Not one to fight authority in my presence, Blimp produces his wallet without argument and hands over his ID. The cop radios it in over the com on his shoulder. The person who responds is laughing their ass off when they reply. I press my lips together to keep from joining them. The rookie’s face turns beet red as he holsters his weapon, but…

Oh, this little dickhead isnotpulling out the cuffs.

“Turn around, sir. Place your hands behind your back.”

Blimp arches his brow at me, almost amused. Almost.

“Sure thing.” Blimp complies. I have to cover my mouth to keep from losing it. This is too damn funny. If I hadn’t left my phone in the bar, I’d take a picture to send to Jade. She’d love this. So would my son.

“Ma’am.” The officer addresses me after he has Blimp locked down.


“Can you please follow behind? I’m taking you in as well. Don’t run or I will have to chase you.”

This keeps getting better and better. We’re headed for the slammer.

I cock my head to the side. “Can you tell me what you’re arresting us for?”

“I think that’d be obvious, ma’am. You and Mr. Blimp were illegally exposing yourselves.”

The poor thing can’t even say it aloud. How old is this kid? Josh’s age?

I play along because this’ll make for a damn good story. “Right. So, you’re arresting us for having sex behind a bar?”

“That is correct, ma’am. Now please come along or I’ll have to cuff you, too.”

It’s Blimp’s turn to press his lips together to keep from busting a gut. He knows all too well how much I love cuffs. The real ones. None of those toy gadgets.

I nod in compliance. “Yes, officer.”

Satisfied with my docile response, I stroll ahead of them to the rear of the patrol car. Still holding onto Blimp’s bicep, the officer opens the back door and folds my fuckbuddy in first before giving me a chance to enter. Once we’re locked inside, I look at Blimp, he looks at me, we lean in, give the other a quick kiss, then smother whatever laugher we want to unleash until we reach the station, which isn’t more than a five-minute trip.



Seated on a bench in the middle of our small-town police station, Loretta’s knee bounces beside mine. The second Officer Shitstain brought us in, the place has been buzzing like bees. Even at the early hour, eyes flash our way in concern. They know what’s up. If they’re smart, they do. It’s common sense ‘round these parts.

They’re lucky word hasn’t reached Big or Gunz, yet. I give it another twenty minutes before my prez busts through that front door and causes a scene nobody will soon forget. The man’s been on a warpath as of late. If Loretta hadn’t been with me, Officer Shitstain woulda learned the hard way we don’t take kindly to guns bein’ aimed at our chest. But I'm not about to get my favorite gal cuffed on account of me bein’ a biker. So, I’ll play along to this pathetic charade ‘til it no longer suits me.

Elbows restin’ on her knees, Loretta shakes that pretty head. “What’s takin’ so damn long?” she hisses under breath.