A beaming smile lights his face when he spots me. “Ah, cara mia, perfect timing. I was just coming to retrieve you.”

“I should put pants on,” I whisper, trying to pull away when he grabs my hand and tugs me down into his waiting arms.

Quickly, I’m swept up in an embrace that turns my body into an inferno, makes me forget my name, and steals the breath from my lungs, all in one go. My heart pounds rapidly before he even pulls away, and I forget all about my need for more clothing.

“Come, I have some people I’d like for you to meet.” I nod mutely as I follow along behind his long strides. We enter the kitchen, where everyone seems to congregate anytime they’re here, and I find two older couples at the table with warm mugs of coffee in front of them and a basket of delicious-smelling pastries.

One couple stands as they see us, and I know instantly that these are Donato’s parents. “Bella,” his mother smiles sincerely, and I’m promptly put at ease. “You are just as ravishing as Bria says.”

“We are twins.” I smile at her.

“Oh, darling, sure, but you each have your own beauty. It’s an inner glow that can’t be duplicated, and I love seeing you both shine.” She winks as she pulls me in for a hug. “These boys of mine sure know how to love you precious girls.”

“I agree,” I whisper back as she pulls away.

“Come, come, wife, share my new daughter,” her husband clucks as he scoots in to give me a brief hug filled with just as much affection as his wife. “It’s a pleasure, Bella. Thank you for finally giving this lovesick puppy son of mine a reason to smile again.”

“Papa,” Donato growls while his father chuckles. The sound is deep and jovial, soothing in what could have been an awkward meeting.

“I only speak the truth.” He grins while capturing his wife around the waist and kissing her cheek lovingly.

My eyes flick to the other couple at the table. I wait on Donato to say anything. As he pulls me into his side, handing me a cup of warm tea, he leans down to whisper, “Ignore the old man, he thinks he’s funny.”

My eyes light up. “I like the idea of you lovesick over me.” My teasing is met with a nip on my neck and a low growl in his chest.

“You’ll pay for that later,” he grunts. Clearing his throat, Donato guides me to the table next to his mother. “Now that you’ve met Santo and Evelina, I’d like to introduce you to Joseph and Clarise.” He pauses. “Your parents.” Silence blankets the room as I stare at the couple across from me, searching their faces for anything familiar. Green eyes like mine and Bria’s, onyx hair similar to ours. A dimple in one of their cheeks.

Anything familiar.

Nothing stands out.

“Bella,” Clarise leans forward, a hiccup in her tone as she reaches for my hands, but I pull away. I don’t know her. She’s a complete stranger to me. “Oh, sweetheart.” Her cry is…different. Not quite right.

Turning to look at Donato, I ask, “Where’s Bria? She should be here. I need her.” Before he can answer, the front door opens, and the soft padding of feet running closer sounds before my twin appears in the entryway.

Staring at our parents, her eyes widen, stunned as she whispers, “Mama? Papa?” Tears fill her eyes as she steps forward, almost reaching out for one of them, but then something holds her back as well. “Bella?” Our eyes meet.

Standing up, I go to her, pulling her in for a hug, practically reading her mind. Something’s strange. Something feels…off. I can’t shake it. I should be elated; they’re alive—something we’ve always wanted.

“Where have you been?” Bria finally asks, her voice stronger than mine would be. Maso stands behind us like a guardian angel willing to strike down anyone who dares get too close.

“In Florence. We own a little baking shop there,” Clarise says, her eyes pinched together.

“Why did you sell us?” I speak up, my voice cracking like I knew it would. “Did you know what would happen when you did?”

Santo and Evelina get to their feet now, likely sensing the shift in the air, the same as us. They move closer to the patio doors, cutting off the exit, as Donato remains standing with his arms crossed just a few feet away from them.

“Sell you?” Her hands fly to her chest, the outrage in her voice sounding right, but the anger in her eyes is wrong. “We would never. We loved you girls. You were taken from us.”

“Lies,” I hiss, and everything seems to happen simultaneously.

Both Clarise and Joseph stand at the same time, anger igniting their eyes as Joseph booms out, “How dare you!”

My vision darkens, my body sways, and I feel my knees crumbling until strong arms scoop me up. “Bella, what is it?” Donato’s tortured look meets mine, and I blink rapidly to stave off going limp in his arms.

“That…voice…” I whisper, my words broken. “It’s the voice, Daddy.” I whimper, curling myself into his chest just as a loud crash echoes around the room, followed by a high-pitched scream.

“Here, put her here.” I hear Bria’s voice as I’m lowered onto a soft surface, Donato’s face my focal point.