It never felt right with him, and I fooled myself into believing it could be.
Donato, on the other hand… Maybe Dr. Rose was correct. If I stop running from all that I fear, I genuinely could have the life I want. Marriage, babies, love, he could give me everything, and in return, I could give him the same.
I think.
I hope.
I feel ready.
After holding Amalia and Santi’s sweet infant this morning, my body was primed to have it all for myself. However, as soon as he was out of my arms, the crippling fear and insecurity came rushing back.
“What do you want with me, Donato?” I blurt out.
“What?” He startles, swerving slightly before correcting and glancing at me in the mirror.
“In our life, if we have one…together…what do you expect?” I’m doing this wrong, but it’s too late to stop now.
I notice him glance at Lude, who holds his hands up like he’s saying don’t ask me. “You sure you want to have this conversation now?” He turns his head to look at me as we’re stopped at a light. I assure him that I do. Horns blare when the light turns green, and he doesn’t move.
“Everything. I have every intention of fucking you so thoroughly tonight that you’ll be bred with my baby by morning. Marrying you will happen as soon as the papers go through for the annulment. And if you think for a fucking second that I’m going to allow you to run because you’ve convinced yourself that you’re not good enough for me or that I don’t want you, don’t even fucking try because I’ll give chase like a rabid wolf until I’ve caught you, and then the only time I’ll release you from our bed is to feed our children. Because, cara mia, Daddy is in this for the long haul, and nothing is going to fucking stop me from claiming you now.
“Oh,” I gasp at the same time Lude says, “Daddy?” with a grin on his face.
“Not a fucking word,” Donato snaps. I squirm in my seat at his tone. “You clear on what I want now?” His dark gaze slides back to me.
“Yes.” I barely breathe.
“Yes, what, cara mia?”
Ohhh. “Yes, Daddy.” As soon as the words leave my lips, his arms snap out, fingers around my throat, and he drags me forward so our lips meet, taking me in a possessive kiss that sears my soul.
A clearing throat has me trying to pull away, but Donato won’t let me go; in fact, he tilts his head to take me deeper, pushing his tongue in and out of my mouth, mimicking sex, and I think I have a mini orgasm because I completely melt into his hold. I surrender everything I am to this man, and I finally feel settled.
“This is uncomfortable,” Lude groans.
Donato slows the kiss, nipping at my lips. We’re both breathing heavily, and I want nothing more than to go back to his bedroom, where he can take all my doubts away. “We understand each other now, cara mia?” I can only nod and blush at his wicked grin as he licks his lips. “Good.”
“Can we go now?” Lude rolls his eyes. “That was way too intimate for my liking,” he grumbles. “Watching my wife get devoured by the love of her life. Would have gladly missed that.” I can tell he’s teasing now, but Donato shoots him a warning glare.
Bria and Maso are waiting at the hospital entrance for us when we arrive. Excitement bubbles up inside me about seeing my friend get all the happiness she deserves. “She’s soooooo cute!” Bria squeals as she pulls me in for a hug, dragging me behind her, much to the displeasure of the growling men behind us as we get farther away from them.
“Is Isa okay? The baby?” I ask. The worry I’ve felt has been festering since we were told we couldn’t visit them first thing this morning.
“They are amazing. Pace is so protective. He wanted to make sure Isabel was rested enough. She didn’t sleep well last night,” Bria pouts.
As we get on the elevator, my emotions jump all over the place. The doors open with a soft ding, and I hear the crying of babies and the excited chatter from parents and visitors as Bria leads us down the corridor to our friend’s room.
The door opens, and the scene before me is so touching, so intimate, that it brings a tear to my eye. Isabel lies in bed, baby in her arms, wild hair toppled on her head with a bow, and Pace sits at her side, bent over, suckling from her breast.
Before we can excuse ourselves, he straightens up and massages her breast, helping the milk flow as he holds the baby’s head closer to latch onto her nipple.
“We’ll wait outside.” Maso clears his throat as my male companions step out of the room.
Isabel’s warm smile when she sees us welcomes me and Bria to come further into the room. “Breastfeeding is hard,” she laughs, her loving eyes returning to her husband. “Pace is always so helpful.” He strokes her cheek, love and possession in every touch.
Glancing back at us, he waves us over and says, “Ten minutes. She needs rest,” and walks out the door to be with his brothers.
“That was something else.” Bria grins with a wink.