‘This conversation feels a bit déjà vu,’ commented Tarek.

Freya nodded, thinking back to the previous week at lunch. The time had flown by. ‘Yes, I know.’

‘What are you thinking?’

She looked at Tarek sheepishly. Once again, she was thinking that as his father was still away at the guest house, wasn’t this the perfect excuse to go there?

Chapter 41

‘Go over the story again, so I’m clear, because I’m just worried if Theo asks anything …’

Freya glanced at her watch. She didn’t have time for this. If she got a move on, she’d be there by around eleven.

She rolled her eyes. ‘Theo is not going to ask anything, Jolene. When is he going to get the opportunity? You hardly ever meet, and it’s not as though you’re going to bump into each other while I’m gone.’ Freya didn’t mean to, but she was getting a little irritated with Jolene. They’d been over this before.

‘Oh, crap!’ Freya said as she dropped her phone. She’d had it balanced in the crook of her neck while she packed a suitcase. Fortunately, it just fell on top of some clothes in her case. She picked it up. ‘Look, I’m a bit busy just packing some things, Jolene. I don’t see what you’re worried about.’

‘I don’t like, you know, lying.’

‘Who says you have to? I told you, you won’t bump into Theo. And besides, it’smetelling a fib – not you.’ Freya’s eyes darted to the bedroom door. She could have sworn she’d heard someone outside the door. ‘Jolene, I’ve got to go.’

‘Is it worth it? I mean why don’t you just confront your dad? It will be a darn sight easier than making the trip.’

Freya had thought about that. But who was to say he wouldn’t deny that he knew anyone called Wendy, or that her mum had gone AWOL because she’d found out about a possible affair? Freya still couldn’t believe it, the idea that her dad had cheated on her mum. But there was something going on, some reason her mum had just upped and left.

‘It’s all speculation, you know.’

‘That’s why I’m going to this guest house, to find Wendy.’

‘What if she’s not there?’

‘Well, she rang from that number.’

‘She might have checked out by the time you get there.’

Freya sighed. That was true.

‘You know the other, better way I mentioned, trying to find out if you’ve got a half-sister. Did you do it? Did you join AncestryDNA and send off a sample?’

‘I did, yes. It was handy getting those DNA testing kits and a trial of AncestryDNA – they were handed out as presents at a party Theo and I went to. I wasn’t going to bother with mine, but now I’m pleased I kept it. When will the results feed through, do you think?’

‘Quite soon, I expect.’

‘I gave my details, like my mobile phone number.’

‘Good. It will be just a case of waiting to see if there’s someone on the database you are related to.’


‘I take it you haven’t changed your mind about going?’

Freya vehemently shook her head. ‘Nice try, but no, I’m going anyway.’

‘Is it something to do with the fact that you’re going with Tarek?’

‘You could wait until Tarek’s father returns to Cambridge.’

Freya fell silent. She’d run out of excuses.