He nodded and smiled. ‘I have a son.’

Alice nodded. It was what he’d always wanted. ‘And your wife?’ Alice looked around, suddenly aware that Mrs Youssef might be coming down to breakfast to join her husband. Why hadn’t that occurred to her?

‘I’m a widower.’

‘Oh, Omar, I’m so sorry.’

‘But we had some very good times. I have fond memories of Fatima. You know, I never told you this, but when we first met, I was engaged.’

Alice looked at him in surprise. ‘You were getting married?’

‘Yes. It was an arranged marriage. It had been arranged between our families since we were twelve.’

‘You had an arranged marriage?’

‘Oh, it wasn’t what you imagine. We’d met each other, got to know one another, and we always had the choice to back out.’

‘But you didn’t.’

‘The thought never crossed my mind – until I met you.’

Alice’s eyes dropped to her uneaten toast.

‘So, my English friends found out, and took me on a stag trip.’

Alice smiled. ‘You mean, a stagdo.’

‘Yes – that. We were doing a pub crawl that night and aiming to book into a hotel along the way.’ He paused. ‘Who would have thought I’d fall in love that night, here in The Guest House at Shingle Cove.’ He stared at her thoughtfully.

Alice avoided his gaze. She knew what he was thinking; if she’d felt the same way, why hadn’t she left her husband for him?

‘So, how are things with you, with your … family?’

Alice breathed a sigh. ‘Obviously, I’m on my own.’ She quickly added, ‘I meant I’m here alone. My husband and I …’

‘Another rocky patch?’

Alice thought of the letter from the woman called Wendy. She nodded. ‘I’ve come away to sort my head out, so to speak.’And find Wendy, she thought, although she knew it probably wouldn’t happen. She’d have to confront Jeffrey to find out about that. But now Omar was there, she couldn’t imagine confronting him at the guest house. Alice stared at Omar.

‘How long are you here for, Alice?’

Until my husband turns up. And if he doesn’t, I’ll know that he doesn’t want to attempt to save our marriage.

‘A few days, perhaps longer,’ Alice said. She knew it sounded vague, but it all depended on Jeffrey.

‘And you?’

‘It was going to be just for a night or two, but now I’m thinking I’d like to stay longer …’

Their eyes locked in silent understanding; they both wanted to spend more time together.

Omar broke the silence. ‘You know, this was a spur of the moment thing. I was due to arrive here yesterday, but I called in to see some old friends, and ended up staying with them overnight.’ He took a sip of coffee. ‘The friends I dropped in to see were the ones I was out with that night when we came across you. And now here we are – again.’

‘Yes.’ Alice glanced outside. The storm clouds were clearing. The sun was breaking out. ‘Oh, look! I think it’s going to turn out a lovely day after all.’

Omar smiled. ‘I second that.’

Alice caught him staring at her and smiling. ‘I am talking about the weather.’