The Egyptian.She came to an abrupt halt in the doorway, watching him lift his eyes from the newspaper he was reading. He slowly rose from the table. They stood staring at each other across the room.

‘Oh, I thought everyone had had breakfast,’ said Emily approaching Alice standing in the doorway. ‘You’ll be our last one this morning. You’ll have the place to yourself, then.’

‘I don’t think so.’

Emily looked over Alice’s shoulder. ‘Oh, I see what you mean. Mr Youssef arrived earlier, so he’s having breakfast too. I didn’t realise you were still here, Mr Youssef.’

‘Apologies, I will leave now.’

‘Oh, don’t go. Have another cup of coffee. Alice? Would you like to take a seat?’

Alice caught Emily throwing her a look, as if to saywhy are you still standing in the doorway?Alice knew it must look odd. She stepped into the room, but only just.

They were still staring at one another.

Alice found her voice, still shocked that he was here. After all these years, he’d come back.



‘What are you doing here?’ they both said in unison.

Emily said, ‘Is it the gentleman you’ve been asking after?’

‘You’ve been asking after me?’

Alice could feel her face growing hot with embarrassment. ‘Well, no, not exactly. I found out a guest from Egypt was coming here to stay, but I couldn’t imagine in my wildest dreams it would be you.’

‘And I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams you’d be here too – again.’ He motioned at his table. ‘Come, join me.’

Emily raised her eyebrows, thinking that Clarissa would have a field day if she had been there, listening to them. It made her wonder where her friend was. ‘I’ll lay an extra place setting,’ she said. She headed for the kitchen to get more cutlery and crockery.

Alice pulled out a chair and tentatively sat down, her eyes never leaving his. She could hear footsteps behind her. She picked up the breakfast menu, imagining Emily was walking over to take her order.

‘Good morning, Alice.’

Alice looked up to discover she wasn’t the last one who had come down for breakfast after all. Clarissa was standing in front of their table.

‘Morning.’ Alice noted her eyes roving to the gentleman sitting opposite her.

‘Morning,’ she said to him. ‘I’m Clarissa.’

He shifted his attention from Alice. ‘Good morning, Clarissa.’

Clarissa grinned. ‘You two know each other?’

Alice nodded. She pursed her lips, silently berating herself for being late for breakfast. If she hadn’t been, she would have avoided the budding journalist, who was no doubt looking for a story. Alice nodded. ‘We’re old acquaintances.’

‘Old acquaintances,’ repeated Clarissa, eyeing Alice. ‘Well, isn’t that a coincidence, you two turning up here? Or were you planning to meet up at the guest house?’

‘Clarissa, your table is over here.’

Alice breathed a sigh of relief when Emily stepped in and saved them from any more awkward questions. Alice wasn’t the only one frowning at Clarissa’s back as she took a seat at a table. Emily didn’t look pleased either. Fortunately, Emily seated her friend on the other side of the room so they wouldn’t be disturbed again.

Omar leaned across the small table for two, and in barely a whisper said, ‘The other guest is rather inquisitive – is she not?’

Alice picked up her napkin and placed it on her lap. ‘That’s a polite way of putting it. She’s being nosy. She’s a journalist, apparently.’