As Clarissa poured her another glass, she said, ‘Do you know what you’re doing?’

Emily’s thoughts switched to Joss. ‘Oh, yes. I’m building up the nerve to ask him out.’

Clarissa frowned. ‘But you don’t know anything about him. You said so yourself.’

‘I’m hoping tonight will change that. You can change that.’

‘Ah, I get it. Two against one. I like it. We’ll get to the bottom of what he is doing here, or I will,’ said Clarissa. ‘If for no other reason than I want to find out if he’s good enough for my best friend.’

Emily held up her glass, hoping she really meant that and wasn’t thinking about whether he was good enough for herself. ‘To being good enough.’

They both giggled. Clarissa said, ‘I’m looking forward to the guest arriving.’


‘Joss – who did you think I was talking about? He’s a guest here, too, isn’t he?’

‘Well, yes, but …’ What Emily was trying to put across was that Joss didn’t feel like a guest anymore, not after the length of time he’d been here. He felt more like family.

Clarissa said, ‘So, here’s the plan. You can chat to Joss, ply him with a bit of wine, see what you can find out.’

Emily nodded.

‘Then we can swap.’

‘Swap?’ said Emily in alarm, wondering what she’d got herself into.

‘Swap notes, when he goes, about what we’ve discovered.’

‘Oh, I see,’ Emily said, relieved. She had wondered whether Clarissa had more on her mind than just talking.

‘I was hoping to take him to one side, perhaps while you go and powder your nose, and see what I could glean.’ She looked at Emily. ‘What did you think I meant?’

‘Oh, never mind.’ She was relieved for all of two seconds until a thought occurred to her. ‘But … what if Joss doesn’t come?’ She had written him a note on his napkin and placed it on his table during dinner, hoping he read it. The napkin was gone when she went to clear his dinner plate, but so was Joss. She hadn’t seen him since dinner, so she had no idea whether he’d even read her note, let alone decided to come.

‘Well, let’s cross that bridge when we come to it,’ replied Clarissa.

Emily felt mean for thinking it, but perhaps she’d rather he didn’t. Then she could have what she’d originally intended, which was just a girly night in. Things were just getting too complicated by half.

‘So, while we wait, tell me more about Alice.’

Emily joined her on the bed, after Clarissa had ordered Donut off the bed so they had some room. They sat on the bed next to each other, legs outstretched. Emily put her wine glass down and turned to one side, staring at her friend’s profile. ‘Why are you so interested?’

‘I don’t know. It just strikes me as a little strange. She’s come here with a load of luggage and all her pets. I mean, it’s as though she’s moved out, left her husband.’

‘Yeah – so? It happens. You of all people should know that.’ Emily’s eyes went wide. ‘God, that’s the wine talking, no filter from my brain to my mouth – sorry.’

Clarissa turned to her. ‘There’s no need to be sorry. You’re just stating a fact. Yes, I was in the same boat. I left him, it’s true.’

‘Sorry,’ Emily said again. ‘You deserve to meet someone.’

‘And so do you.’

They both turned to look at the door.

‘Do you think he’ll come?’ Clarissa asked.

Emily yawned. ‘I imagine so.’ She was still wondering if Clarissa had her eye on Joss.