Emily heaved a sigh. There was that too. She’d promised Alice she would. It didn’t change the fact that she’d thought it was a date, and she still felt embarrassed for assuming it was. And the suggestion Alice had made when they were sitting having lunch in The Two Magpies Bakery, that she should ask him out, was playing on her mind. What if she did, and he said no? Alice had said,what if he doesn’t?But she didn’t want to dig herself an even bigger pit of embarrassment if, despite Alice’s assurances that he was interested in her, it turned out he wasn’t. And it wasn’t as though she’d see the back of him any time soon. He’d asked for the room booking to be open-ended. Who knew how long he’d be staying?Until his savings run out,she thought. But how long would that be?

‘Are you going to ask him out?’

Emily had been staring at the guest house, wishing he’d leave. Today. Now. She rolled her eyes. Of course she wouldn’t ask him out. But she didn’t want Alice on her case either. She cast a sheepish look her way, and replied, ‘Maybe.’ She took the key out of the ignition. ‘Shall we go in?’

Alice hesitated. ‘Do you think your other guest might have arrived?’

Emily caught something in her voice; a note of hesitation. She stared at Alice for a long moment. What was she doing here, with her pets and with umpteen suitcases? And without her husband? She had a feeling that something had happened and that Alice had left him.

She had noticed that Alice’s letter was addressed to her husband. Were they splitting up? Did he even know she was there, or had she just left, skipping town without telling him? It was all rather strange. She wondered what Clarissa would make of it.

Clarissa!Emily stared wide-eyed at Alice. Talking of new arrivals – her best friend was due to arrive. ‘Come on, let’s find out!’

Emily was already out of the car before Alice had even opened the car door.

Emily ran around the car and opened the door for her.

‘Oh, thanks.’

Emily opened the passenger car door behind Alice. Because she’d been well-behaved, Emily had let Hester travel home sitting on the back seat. Out jumped an excited beagle. ‘Well, at least someone is pleased to be back,’ she said under her breath.

‘Do you think my letter will be posted today?’

‘Oh, yes. I think she must have some stamps after all. I imagine my mum walked up to the post box and posted it herself. But I will ask her for you, as soon as I see her, and check.’

‘All right.’

Emily bounded up the guest house steps, hoping Clarissa was there already. They’d be no tell-tale car parked outside to herald her arrival, although she imagined her friend’s dad had helped her down the road with her suitcases.

As she stepped inside the guest house, Emily saw her dad. There was no one else in sight, but someonehadarrived; her dad was picking up a suitcase. The new guest must have already taken their room key and gone upstairs.

Alice stepped into the guest house with Hester and noticed the suitcase too. ‘Is it the Egyptian?’ she asked Gerald.

Gerald looked at his daughter. ‘An Egyptian?’

‘Yes, Dad. The guest that was meant to arrive a couple of days ago – remember? I’ve tried contacting him by email. We didn’t have a mobile phone number. I have kept his reservation open, although I’m not sure if he is still coming.’

‘We’re getting quite booked up,’ Gerald commented.

‘I know. Crazy, isn’t it? This time of year we are normally so quiet. I will have to let his room go if we have any more guests.’

‘I think something pinged on the computer,’ Gerald added. ‘Perhaps another booking?’

‘Sounds like it,’ said Emily. She was about to have a look when she heard a familiar voice and footsteps running down the stairs.

‘Emily! I thought I heard your voice. I’ve arrived!’

‘So, I see.’ Emily grinned and ran into her arms.

‘Oh, my god. I am so excited. How stupid is that!’

‘Not at all stupid!’ Emily replied.

Clarissa cast a gaze at the other guest. ‘As you can see, I’m not the Egyptian!’ She’d overheard the conversation in the hall on the way down the stairs.

Emily turned to Alice. ‘This is my best friend, Clarissa.’ She turned to her friend. ‘This is Alice, one of our guests.’

Clarissa stepped forward. ‘Pleased to meet you.’