Freya nudged her arm. ‘Oh, stop it.’

Jolene sighed. ‘What are you going to do?’

‘I’m going to arrange the trip. Tarek wants to come.’

‘I bet he does.’

Freya ignored that remark.

‘What I meant,’ said Jolene, leaning towards her and lowering her voice, ‘is what are you going to do about Tarek?’

Freya creased her brow. ‘What do you mean?’

‘You like him – I can tell. And I’m not talking about as a friend.’

Freya stared at her. She was about to tell Jolene not to be silly, but if she couldn’t be honest with her best friend, who could she talk candidly with?

‘Honestly, I don’t know,’ she said.

‘He’ll leave at the end of the month. Your life is here in Cambridge …’

‘With Theo,’ Freya added. ‘Is that what you’re saying?’

‘I didn’t say that, but the fact remains, he won’t be here forever. Then what? I don’t want to be the one to say it, but I’m just giving you a reality check. If you go to this guest house together, just don’t—’


‘Don’t do anything you’ll regret.’

They both knew what she was saying.

‘Besides, how long have you known Tarek? You know nothing about him.’

I know I’m falling in love.Freya bit her bottom lip. The thought had come out of nowhere.

‘He might have a girlfriend back in Alexandria.’

‘He hasn’t – I asked him.’

Jolene stared at her.

Freya looked away. She wished she hadn’t said that.

‘Theo is a good guy. You’ve got plans together. Don’t throw that away on, well, on a crush.’

It’s not a crush, thought Freya. She frowned. ‘I never thought I’d hear you side with Theo,’ she said.

Jolene stood there shaking her head. ‘It’s not about sides, Freya. I’m thinking about you. And your future, here in Cambridge – which you love – with a guy who’d do anything for you.’

‘Are you saying I shouldn’t take this trip?’

‘No, but I’d prefer it if you were going with me or on your own.’

Freya stared at her. Both were possibilities, but she wanted to go with Tarek, and besides, he could introduce her to his father. ‘I want to meet his father, so I need to go with Tarek.’

‘You tell yourself that,’ Jolene scoffed.

‘Oh, don’t be like that, Jolene.’