Freya finally tore her eyes away.What is going on here?she wondered.What am I even doing here with Tarek rather than meeting Theo for lunch?She knew the answer. It’sbecause I prefer Tarek’s company.

Freya pursed her lips, feeling terribly guilty. For the first time, this innocent thing between them wasn’t feeling innocent at all – not for her, at any rate. Without thinking, Freya asked, ‘Have you got a girlfriend?’ She regretted asking as soon as those words were out of her mouth.

He was still staring at her, she could tell, although her eyes were firmly fixed on her fingernails, embarrassed that she’d asked the question.

‘No, I haven’t.’

Not quite sure why she felt relieved by his answer, Freya changed the subject. ‘Anyway, about your dad …’ She looked up to find Tarek with a look of amusement on his face. ‘What happened on his stag night?’

‘He missed his flight and had to get another one. Almost missed his own wedding.’

‘Er, no – I meant what happenedduringthe stag do. Where did they go? Who did he meet?’

Tarek sighed. ‘Your guess is as good as mine.’

‘So, he didn’t tell you anything more about this woman he’d met – the love of his life?’

Tarek shook his head. ‘I brought it up once, what he’d said about meeting the love of his life here, but he waved it away, saying I must have misheard.’

‘But you didn’t – did you?’


They fell silent again until Freya asked another question. ‘Do you think that’s why he came back after your mother died?’

Tarek frowned. ‘I don’t understand …’

Freya pursed her lips, realising that in light of his mother’s death, it was a delicate question. ‘Do you think he’s returned to find someone – his lost love?’

Tarek shook his head. ‘I don’t see how that’s possible. He’d have to find her first.’

‘Do you think he met her on the stag do?’

He nodded. ‘It’s possible.’

‘Where do you think they had the stag do – here in Cambridge?’

Tarek shrugged. ‘I imagine he wouldn’t remember.’

Don’t be so sure, thought Freya, looking around the café, thinking that she’d remember this – their lunch dates together. Her thoughts returned to Tarek’s father. To meet and fall in love with someone just before you were going to marry someone else. That was … well, that was just not possible – was it? Her gaze shifted to Tarek once again, but this time she was thinking about Theo. They were engaged and yet here she was – with someone else.

‘I’d love to meet your dad,’ she said.


‘Well, any aspiring archaeologist would.’

‘All right.’

Freya’s eyes went wide. ‘Did you just sayyes?’

He nodded. ‘Of course – why not?’

‘When? Can we meet him today, after work?’

Tarek’s eyes dropped to his cup of coffee. He shook his head. He picked up a spoon and slowly stirred his black coffee.

Freya sat back in her chair, disappointed. ‘Oh – another time then?’