‘That’s fine, Alice. Shall we say midday? We could have some lunch together in town.’

Alice’s smile widened. ‘Oh, what a splendid idea. Are you sure it’s okay if I tag along? You weren’t intending to go with anyone else …?’ She let the sentence hang without mentioning Joss’s name.


‘Ok, great – I’ll meet you in the foyer at midday.’ Before she turned to the stairs, intending to pop back to her room and take Hester out for a morning walk, she looked at her letter. ‘Shall I take that then, as I’m coming along?’

‘Of course, as long as you don’t forget to bring it with you,’ Emily joked.

Alice was reaching for the letter when she stopped. ‘On second thoughts, I think I will leave it with you.’ Alice glanced at the computer ‘So, there’re other guests booked in? Sorry, I don’t mean to be nosy. it’s just … well, it’s nice to meet other people.’Specifically friendly people, thought Alice, unlike Joss, who wouldn’t be very chatty now he and Emily weren’t on speaking terms.

Emily looked at her mobile. ‘My best friend is coming to stay for a few days. She’s having a break at the guest house while her ex has the kids for the half-term holidays.’

‘I bet she’s looking forward to it,’ said Alice.

‘She’s always wanted to stay at the guest house. She won’t have to shop, cook or run around after children for a whole week.’

Alice smiled. She could empathise, having been a working mother for years. ‘Well, good for her.’

‘And we have another gentleman booked in. He’s come from abroad. It’s turning out to be busier than it normally is this time of year.’

‘From abroad?’ Alice said with interest.

‘Yes, Egypt, actually.’


‘Uh-huh. That’s where his address is – in Alexandria.’ She stopped. ‘Is something wrong, Alice?’

‘Er, no,’ Alice lied. ‘Just curious.’ That wasn’t a lie. ‘Is he, um, young, old …?’

Emily looked at Alice for a long moment.

Alice guessed she couldn’t give out that information, but to her surprise Emily smiled, and said, ‘I know what this is about!’

Alice stared at her, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn’t know about that night here at the guest house – could she? That was years earlier. Besides, it couldn’t be the same person. That would just be too much of coincidence, if he turned up here the same time.

‘You want to find out if there are any guests booked in that are your generation. Normally, our clientele are …’


‘What I meant was that people who stay with us are quite mature. It’s nice to meet people of your own generation, especially when travelling alone. I understand you must feel a bit outnumbered with Joss, and my best friend, Clarissa, turning up tomorrow. Well, you’ll be pleased to know he’s around your age.’

Alice’s heart leapt in her chest.It isn’t him. It can’t be. It’s just a coincidence, she thought. Her best friend, Jane, would say,There’s no such thing as a coincidence, but Alice knew that what she really meant was,Everything happens for a reason.

Alice didn’t believe in fate, or serendipity. At least she hadn’t until that night when her whole world had changed. What had happened had certainly seemed like it was meant to be. The only person she’d confided in was Jane. She was dying to talk to her now, but she was abroad, andAlice didn’t want to appear cheeky by asking to make an international phone call from the guest house. She was also loath to use the guest house’s public network and send an email asking Jane what she thought. Could it be him? Although she’d know soon enough – he was arriving tomorrow.

Chapter 26

‘What’s this?’

Emily put her mug of tea down and looked up at her mum, who was standing in front of her at the reception desk. She was holding up a letter.

Emily had been busy texting Clarissa and hadn’t noticed her mum appear in front of her and pick up the letter Alice had left with her to post.

‘Oh, it’s from one of the guests. She just wants it posting. I was going to nip into Aldeburgh this afternoon, to run some errands, remember? So I’ll take it with me to the post office.’

She turned the letter over in her hands. ‘You don’t have to do that.’