‘Was she there every single time?’

Freya thought about it. ‘Yes she was.’

‘And you went to the park and played together?’


Jolene stared at her.


Jolene bit her fingernail.

Freya leaned forward in her seat. ‘What?’

‘Look, if the affair ended years ago, why were they still in touch, still meeting up?’

Freya shrugged again. ‘How do I know? Perhaps they remained friends after they realised what they’d done was wrong, and my dad was still in love with my mum.’ Then Freya had a rather lovely thought. Maybe she’d misread all of it. ‘Perhaps they knew each other, and she was his girlfriend before my dad met my mum. In which case, Mum walked out thinking Dad had had an affair, when it wasn’t true.’ That made sense. Her dad wouldn’t have an affair – he just wouldn’t.

Freya noticed that Jolene was still uncharacteristically quiet. She frowned at her. ‘Just tell me what’s on your mind.’

‘You’re not going to like it.’ Jolene gulped down her coffee, screwed up the paper cup and tossed it in the bin. ‘Don’t you think it’s odd that this lady, Wendy, brought her daughter along too?’

Freya shook her head. ‘Not really. It meant they could have a chat while we played together.’

‘I guess. But what if there was another explanation?’

‘Like what?’ Freya was getting annoyed that Jolene wasn’t just getting to the point.

‘What if your dad wasn’t meeting up to see Wendy, but … well, Wendy’s daughter?’

‘I don’t get what you mean?’

Jolene sighed. ‘Really? Do I have to spell it out, Freya?’

Freya sat back in her seat, surprised. ‘Why are you speaking to me like that?’

‘Look, I’m sorry.’ Jolene pursed her lips. ‘I was rather hoping you might cotton on to the possibility rather than me having to say it. I don’t want to hurt your feelings.’

‘Just say what’s on your mind, for goodness’ sake.’

‘Okay,’ Jolene said slowly. ‘This is only a thought, but what if your dad and Wendy had an affair, and Wendy’s daughter is …’

Freya’s mouth dropped open. ‘Oh, my god.’

Jolene nodded. ‘It makes sense, doesn’t it? It is possible she is your half-sister. And I bet your mum doesn’t know.’

Freya sat back in her seat, stunned.

‘Sorry,’ Jolene said in a hushed voice.

They both fell silent.

Finally, Jolene broke the silence. ‘What are you going to do?’


Alice stretched her arms and yawned. It was early on Saturday morning, and she had woken up with a start. Nothing had disturbed her, apart from bad dreams.