‘Or something,’ Clarissa said, giggling down the phone.

‘What are you up to?’

‘So, your mum didn’t tell you?’

‘Tell me what?’

‘Oh good. So she can keep a secret.’

Emily frowned at that word,secret. ‘What’s going on?’

‘I’m going away too. Having a little holiday. A bit of me-time.’

‘I’m glad to hear it.’ Emily meant it. She knew her friend had to work doubly hard being a single parent.

‘But you haven’t heard the best bit. I was going to keep it as a surprise, but as you’re going out this evening, and who knows when you’ll be back, I just can’t wait to tell you.’

‘You’re going to America.’

‘What makes you say that?’ Clarissa sounded taken aback.

‘Well, isn’t it somewhere you always wanted to go?’ Emily felt a pang of jealousy. She wished her mum and her aunt, who lived in America, weren’t estranged. Perhaps she had cousins her age and would have gone to America for holidays.

‘Yes, that’s still on my bucket list. But no, I haven’t got the money for anything like that. I’m taking a break closer to home,veryclose to home. In fact …’ she paused, ‘I’m staying at a lovely little guest house on Shingle Cove.’

Emily blinked. ‘No way! You’re coming to stay with us?’

‘Yep, I’ve got a room booked for the week, full board, nice room up the top with the views.’

‘But that’s … that’s …’

‘Crazy – I know. Donut is coming with me to give my dad a break. He’ll have the cottage to himself with no responsibilities – even the dog. Few hotels allow pets, you know.’

‘Oh, I wasn’t going to saycrazy. It’s fantastic.’ Emily grinned. She suddenly had the most stupendous idea. ‘Nowthisis going to sound crazy …’ She winced as she asked, ‘Can we have a slumber party?’

‘You mean like kids do?’

‘Yeah. It sounds dumb, doesn’t it?’

‘Not at all. As long as I can bring a bottle – and I don’t mean juice.’

Emily grinned, thinking of all those years when she was a teenager and couldn’t have a single friend stay over, or have a slumber party for her birthday because they would have disturbed the guests. She confided all this to Clarissa.

‘Well, we are going to make up for that, girl.’

Emily’s grin faltered. Would Clarissa be loud, get drunk, and disturb the other guests? Then again, there was only Alice and Joss. Joss wouldn’t care. As for Alice; she seemed nice, open-minded, and young at heart. Perhaps she’d invite her too. Not Joss, though. This would be girls only.

‘When are you coming?’ Emily asked eagerly.

‘The kids are off first thing in the morning, so once I’ve packed, I’ll be with you.’

‘Great! I’m so excited.’

‘Me too. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I had some time to myself without watching the clock or grabbing some moments after bedtime when I’m so dog-tired I just fall asleep.’

Emily blurted, ‘I hope you don’t get bored.’

‘I don’t think that’s going to happen. I’m looking forward to meeting the other guests.’