Emily laughed, but she knew that underneath the light-hearted banter, Clarissa wanted to meet someone. Since she’d broken up with her husband, she’d tried dating apps, but the problem was that with two kids and a dog, and without her own place, it did not surprise Emily when Clarissa told her that most young guys ran a mile. There were some older, middle-aged guys who appeared quite pleasant, but Clarissa wasn’t looking for someone to take care of her and her children. ‘I can take care of myself, thank you very much,’ she’d said.

‘So, do you want me to find out about Joss? I have my sources …’

Emily smiled. ‘No, thank you – for the umpteenth time.’ How many times had Clarissa asked her that since she’d made the mistake of telling her friend some weeks earlier that she fancied the guy staying at the guest house?

‘How’s the journalism course going, by the way?’ Emily asked, changing the subject. Clarissa had been doing an evening course in journalism while she juggled caring for two children and a large pet dog with working in a part-time temping job, typing articles up for a local newspaper based in Lowestoft.

‘I finished it. Passed with distinction.’

‘Oh, Clarissa. Well done. We must go out and celebrate.’

‘I got a job too.’

‘As a journalist?’

‘A reporter.’

Emily felt guilty that she’d only touched base with Clarissa because she’d had some news of her own. What with helping at the guest house and sending off applications to get a position at a veterinary practice, she hadn’t seen Clarissa for some time. In fact, now she thought about it, it had been unusual not bumping into her sometimes on her evening jog up and down the beach.

‘I should have let you know sooner, I know. But in between the kids, and the course and my job, and looking for a new place to live … well, things have been hectic.’

Emily frowned. She wasn’t the only one who’d been super-busy. But hearing what Clarissa had to contend with just made her feel even more guilty for not finding the time to check in with her. After all, she was only looking for a job; she wasn’t faced with all the other things that Clarissa had on her plate.

‘Besides, I wanted it to be a surprise,’ Clarissa added.

‘You wanted what to be a surprise?’

‘I got a job with the same newspaper I’ve been temping with, so I’m having a week off work while they sort out the paperwork for my official start in my new position as a news reporter.’

‘So, you’ll no longer be temping there?’

‘Nope, it’s permanent, and I won’t be typing up other people’s articles. I’ll be the onewritinglocal news stories.’

Her friend didn’t sound as happy as she could be over her new position. Emily knew why. The key word waslocal. Clarissa had aspirations. She wanted to return to London and work in what she called the big leagues. For the BBC or for a large, national newspaper.

‘It’s a foot in the door, Clarissa. Who knows where it will lead? Perhaps you’ll break some big story and it will get their attention.’

‘What – around here in sleepy Suffolk?’

Emily bit her lower lip. Her friend had a point. ‘Well, maybe not. But you never know …’ She trailed off. ‘It’s a nice surprise though, to hear you’ve got a position in journalism. It’s what you’ve worked hard for.’

‘Ah, but that’s not the surprise. My ex is having the kids in the February half-term …’

‘That’s next week,’ Emily commented.

‘Yep, so they’re going to stay with him in London. He’s picking them up tomorrow. That’s what all the commotion is in the background; they’re excited, getting their bags packed to go on an adventure.’

Emily pursed her lips. She bet Clarissa didn’t feel the same way about their little adventure with their dad.

Clarissa lowered her voice. ‘This makes me sound like a bad parent, but I can’t wait for them to go.’

‘Really?’ Emily said in surprise.

‘Oh, yes. God knows, I could do with a break to recharge my batteries before I start my new job.’

‘It sounds as though it’s come at the right time.’ Emily was no stranger to Clarissa’s rants over the fact that her ex never seemed to find the time to have the children, even for a weekend, to give her a break. ‘We could get together sometime next week and have a catch-up.’

Clarissa was silent down the phone, which wasn’t like her. Emily said, ‘Unless you’ve got other plans, like you’re going away – or something?’