Freya shook her head. She knew what this was about. As far as her best friend was concerned, no man would be Mr Right for her.

Talking of Mr Right, her phone buzzed with a text message. She knew it would be from Theo again. She reached for her back pocket where she kept her mobile phone and remembered she’d changed into Jolene’s outfit.

Jolene held up her phone. She grinned. ‘I think this is yours.’

Freya glanced at her dungarees. ‘Shall we change back?’

‘Nah, it’s okay. Might as well stay in these. We can bring the clothes in tomorrow.’

Freya took her phone, read the text message, and frowned.

‘What’s the matter?’

Freya sighed. ‘I asked Theo to let me know if Mum phoned home.’

Jolene raised her eyebrows. ‘Is something the matter?’

Freya lowered her voice. ‘Mum walked out.’

‘You’re joking – really?’

She knew that sounded a bit melodramatic. ‘Well, yes and no. I don’t think she wants to move. I think the whole house move thing was getting on top of her, to be honest.’

‘But weren’t they doing it to help you on the housing ladder?’

‘Yes. But I think she overheard us talking about re-homing her pets. They were considering whether to go into a rental flat if they can’t find anything before exchanging contracts on the sale of their house. It can be difficult in rented if you’ve got pets. I’m not surprised she wants a break. It’s just a bit concerning that she left her mobile at home.’

‘She left her mobile?’

Freya nodded.

‘Sounds to me as though she doesn’t want to be contacted.’

‘I don’t know, maybe. It was on the kitchen table, so I have a feeling she put it down and forgot to pick it up on the way out.’

‘I’m sure she’ll be in touch when she realises.’

She probably won’t be in touch with me, Freya thought.I’m the one who was talking about her having to let go of her pets.She frowned. What a stupid, stupid thing to say. Especially as she loved those animals herself; she’d grown up with them. They were family.

Freya explained what she’d heard second-hand from Theo about her mum’s sudden departure.

‘So she just packed some cases, took the pets, got in a taxi and left?’

Freya frowned. ‘I wasn’t there, but yeah, that kind of sums it up. ‘She left a note for my dad.’

‘What did it say?’

Freya’s frown deepened. ‘You know, I’m not sure.’ Now she really thought about it, her dad hadn’t read the note out loud. Freya felt a knot in her stomach at the thought that there was something going on she didn’t know about – something not good. It made her wonder what her mum going off like that was really all about.

Chapter 16

‘So, how was he?’ asked Emily as soon as they stepped into the hallway of the guest house.

Alice smiled. ‘It was just as you thought. Poor mite has tooth decay, so he must have had toothache.’

Emily smiled. ‘Antibiotics?’

‘Yes, there was an infection too.’