Chapter 15

‘Well?’ Jolene ran up to her as soon as she walked into the room. ‘When do you go?’ She was just asking this when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a tall, young man walk in. ‘Hey!’ she exclaimed, shouting in Freya’s ear, but directing her loud voice at the stranger. ‘Unless you’ve got a pass, you’re not meant to be here. The museum is upstairs.’

Freya rolled her eyes in his direction. ‘He’s with me.’

‘I’m Tarek.’

‘Tarek?’ Jolene shook her head and then raised her eyebrows. ‘Oh, they filled the position after all. We got that extra pair of hands.’

Freya heaved a sigh. ‘Yes, and no.’ She glowered at him. ‘Meet the guy who has beenseconded…’ Freya emphasised that word, ‘to us.’

Jolene frowned. ‘I don’t get it.’

‘It’s simple. Instead of me going over there to show him the ropes, the mountain has come to Mohammed.’ She turned to Tarek. ‘No offence.’ Freya was aware it probably wasn’t the done thing to use that old turn of phrase, but just then she didn’t care. Quite the contrary; she hoped he did take offence.

He frowned at her and walked over to where the crates were stacked.

‘So, there’s no secondment to Alexandria?’ Jolene whispered.

Freya shook her head, feeling tears welling up in her eyes. ‘And to make matters worse …’ She threw him a furtive glance as she lowered her voice to barely a whisper and told Jolene who Tarek’s father was, ‘I think he only got the opportunity to come here because his father is head of the museum in Alexandria.’

Jolene put an arm around her shoulders. ‘I am so sorry, Freya. Look, I know this won’t make up for it, but come with me to America when I visit next. I know what you’re going to say; it’s never the right time. But let’s just do it, even if your boyfriend can’t come –especiallyif he can’t come.’

Freya looked at her.

She grinned.

Freya knew it would be more fun if it was just the two of them – and she knew she’d love to meet Jolene’s large extended family. She smiled.

‘Is that a yes?’

‘Oh, yes.’ Her smile faded when she caught sight of Tarek heading towards her. She whispered to Jolene, ‘Duty calls, I’m afraid. I have been tasked with showing him how we do things.’

Jolene whispered, ‘Lucky you.’

Freya didn’t detect sarcasm in her friend’s voice. She looked at Jolene in surprise.

Jolene shrugged. ‘What? I can’t know a pretty face when I see one just because I don’t fancy guys?’

Freya rolled her eyes. ‘May I remind you that I’ve got a partner?’

‘Yes, I know. The wonderful Theowith whom you still haven’t set a date.’

‘I’m only in my mid-twenties.’

‘What’s that got to do with anything? He asked you, didn’t he? You said yes. You’re engaged. How old were your parents when they married?’

‘Um, in their early thirties, I think.’

‘Well, there you go.’

‘What’s that got to do with anything?’ Freya looked at her quizzically. ‘In any case, what is your point?’

‘I think you are delaying taking that final step.’

‘I don’t know what you mean.’

Jolene gave her a look as if to say,This is me you’re talking to. You can’t bullshit your best friend.‘Perhaps you haven’t found Mr Right.’