‘Litt-le bird.’

‘Gosh, aren’t you a clever bird?’

‘Cle-ver bird!’

Alice frowned at her clever little bird, willing him not to say anything else. This is how it always started off; Percy would impress new friends, who would coo over his beautiful red, blue, green and yellow feathers, and then he would spoil it by repeating rude words. Alice had decided long ago that her parrot was like a little child; it was almost as though he understood that the words were very naughty and shouldn’t be used and said them on purpose just to get a rise out of her.

‘And this is Hester.’ Alice glanced at her dog, who was sitting by her feet. She was keen to move the focus of attention away from Percy.

Emily walked around the desk. ‘Ah, aren’t you the cutest thing?’

Hester was immediately on her feet, tail wagging furiously, pulling on her lead to run over and meet her new friend.

Emily knelt down as Hester darted towards her. In between plenty of fusses, Emily had a look in her mouth, her eyes, had a feel around her abdomen, lifted her floppy ears, and pronounced, ‘Well, aren’t you a picture of health.’

Alice let out a sigh of relief.

Scratching behind her ears, Emily looked up at Alice. ‘She is perfectly fine. What is she, ten?’

‘Twelve, actually.’

‘Well, she’s very sprightly for her age.’

‘And Percy?’

‘Any change in behaviour or eating habits?’

Alice shook her head. ‘Nope, still talkative, not off his food or anything like that.’

Emily nodded. ‘Good.’ She got off her knees.

Hester attempted to follow her around the desk. Her lead stopped her forward momentum.

‘Only your cat needs a visit.’ She glanced at Hester, who had her two front paws reaching up at the desk, wanting more attention from the nice lady.

‘Oh, sorry. Hester – down!’

‘It’s all right. But you may have to bring Hester with you to see the vet. She might not get on being left alone here without you.’

‘Unless she was with you.’ Alice shook her head. ‘Oh, silly me, you were going to drive me there.’

‘Hold on. Let me phone the vet’s office and see when they have an appointment free. If they can fit you in at short notice today, I’ve still got some things to do here this afternoon, but Gerald could take you – if that’s okay, Dad?’

‘Of course it is. I have a rare day off work today. And it’s Friday, so it’s a nice long weekend too.’

Alice turned to him. ‘Oh, I wouldn’t want you to go to all this trouble on my account, on your day off.’

Gerald, a jovial sort, shook his head. ‘Not at all. I don’t mind.’

‘Probably better that way,’ added Emily. ‘I think he’d make a mess of things if he was left in charge.’ She smiled affectionately at her dad. ‘My mum is in town doing some shopping for the evening meal.’

‘It’s your mum who runs the guest house, isn’t it?’

Emily nodded. ‘That’s right.’ She reached for the phone, then paused. ‘Why don’t you get settled into your room? We have tea and coffee making facilities. Then you can unpack and have a cuppa while I phone the vet. I doubt they’ll have an appointment this afternoon, but I’ll let you know.’

Alice breathed a sigh. ‘Sounds perfect, thank you.’ She was in need of a drink and was looking forward to seeing her room. As Emily came round the desk with a key to hand to her, Alice eyed the phone. She ought to contact Jeffrey and Freya and tell them where she was.

Emily noticed their new guest wavering. ‘I can make that call now if you like?’