Alice followed. She did a double-take. Was Emily Gerald’s wife? She was so young. Gerald was old enough to be her—

‘This is my daughter. She’s helping us out for a bit while she looks for work in her chosen profession. We’re so proud. She qualified as a vet.’

Alice smiled at the young woman, whom she guessed was around Freya’s age.

‘Dad, do stop. You tell everyone who arrives. I’m sure our guests are not interested that I’m a vet.’

‘I don’t know about that,’ said Alice smiling at the young blonde woman, who with her slim build and green eyes didn’t take after Gerald at all. ‘I’ve brought a menagerie with me, as you can see. Always handy to have a vet on call. Although I do hope I won’t need your services.’

Emily’s face lit up when she saw Alice’s pets.

Gerald put the cat carrier on the reception desk.

Marley hissed at her.

‘My, aren’t you a grumpy!’ exclaimed Emily, smiling at Marley.

Alice sighed. ‘That’s Marley.’

‘Has he always been like this?’

‘Every time I put him in the cat carrier.’ Alice thought about it. ‘Actually, I’d say he’s been out of sorts for the last few weeks.’ It occurred to Alice that with everything going on with the house move, she really hadn’t been paying that much attention. Now she was worried. Perhaps she should have taken him for a check-up at the vet’s.

Emily stood up and leaned across the desk to look at him.

‘Oh, I wouldn’t get too close in case a paw comes through the cage and swipes you. He’s been known to do that.’

Despite the warning, Emily leaned forward just as Marley let out a huge yawn. ‘Ah, I think I see what’s making your cat so grumpy.’

Alice looked at her anxiously. ‘Is something wrong?’

‘I think your cat has a bit of tooth decay.’

‘Oh,’ Alice said in surprise. ‘Really?’

Emily nodded. ‘I’d have to take a closer look, but I’m sure that’s it.’

‘Can you do anything for him?’

‘No, I’m afraid I can’t without a position at a practice, but I can recommend a vet locally, unless you’d prefer to wait until you return home and see your own vet?’

Alice shook her head. Although she wasn’t quite sure when she would be home, that wasn’t the point. She was sure she’d missed her pet’s annual check-up because of the move.

Would you be able to book me an appointment? I will take him straight away as soon as one is free. Would you be able to arrange a taxi too?’

Emily shook her head. ‘Don’t be silly. I’ll take you both in my car.’

‘Oh, you are too kind, Emily.’

She smiled.

Alice returned her smile. She didn’t want it to appear that she was taking advantage, but she did say, ‘You wouldn’t give Percy and Hester the once-over – would you? They seem okay, but just in case …?’

Emily looked at the beautiful parrot in the cage. ‘Is that Hester or Percy?’ she asked.

Percy flapped his wings and squawked, ‘Per-cy. Per-cy.’

Emily laughed. ‘Well, that answers that question, little bird.’