And that answered Emily’s question. She stared at him, thinking,Oh my god, are you my father?

‘Yes, okay. I’m, er. right here, in the guest house.’

A moment later, Alice, Freya, Tarek and Omar walked out of the conservatory, heading their way. The young man with Alice’s husband immediately launched into an apology about telling Freya’s dad where she was, before his eyes shifted to Tarek. ‘What’s he doing here?’

Freya appeared to avoid the question.

‘Did you get my letter?’ asked Alice.

‘What letter?’

‘So, you didn’t getmyletter, but I found the letter addressed to you from a woman called Wendy …’

Emily noticed that she’d let the sentence hang, obviously waiting for an explanation.

When it wasn’t forthcoming, she added, ‘Freya told me that you used to meet her years ago in London. Were you having an affair? Are you still having an affair?’

Emily looked from her mum to Jeffrey. When were they going to tell Alice that Wendy was standing right there, in front of them? She had already realised Alice wouldn’t know that because her mum went by her middle name, Anthea. Only people who knew her mum well were aware that her first name was really Wendy. Emily stared hard at Jeffrey.

Jeffrey still hadn’t answered Alice’s question. Instead, his eyes drifted to Omar. ‘Who is this?’

Freya stepped in. ‘What is going on? Dad, did you have an affair with a woman called Wendy?’

He turned to Freya.

‘I heard you on the phone talking to her.’

Jeffrey heaved a sigh. ‘Look, let’s talk about this privately.’

‘We can go into the lounge,’ suggested Alice.

‘I’m coming too,’ said Emily.

Everyone turned around to look at Emily. Just as she expected, her mum said, ‘Emily, this has got nothing to do with you.’

‘Is that a fact?’ Emily said. She had it on the tip of her tongue to tell Alice who her mum was, but first she chose that moment to take out her mobile phone and ring Freya’s number again.

Freya answered. ‘Hello.’


Freya lowered her mobile phone and looked at Emily. ‘What’s going on? Why are you phoning my mobile?’

‘Don’t you recognise me from those trips to London?’

Freya stared at her. ‘I thought you seemed familiar. You’re the girl I used to play with.’

‘I got your number from AncestryDNA,’ Emily said to Freya. ‘Have you checked the site since you signed up?’

Freya shook her head.

Alice and Jeffrey said in unison, ‘You used AncestryDNA?’

Freya nodded. ‘Jolene suggested it. It’s all the rage in America.’

Wendy turned to Emily. ‘What were you doing on AncestryDNA?’

‘I wanted to find my auntie, and my cousins if I have any, in America. But I found Freya instead.’