Her mum raised her eyebrows.

‘I had to sort out a folding bed. I’m not sure what happened but a couple arrived, not a single person as I expected.’

‘Did you book them into the wrong room?’

‘Of course not.’ Emily hated that the guest was always right and that her mum assumed it was she who had made a mistake. ‘I reiterated over the phone that it was the only room left, and it was a single. Freya was fine with that.’

‘I’m sorry, what did you just say?’

‘I said I reiterated that it was—’

‘No, not that. You saidFreya?’’

‘Yes, Freya. That’s the name of the guest.’

Her mum dropped the towels in surprise.

Emily stared at her mum. ‘What is it?’

Her mum raced around the reception desk to the computer. ‘What is her home address? Show me the booking.’

‘What’s the matter?’

‘Just show me the booking!’

Emily punched some keys and brought up the booking. ‘She lives in Cambridge.’

‘Oh my god.’

Emily picked up the towels and put them on the reception desk. She stared at her mum. ‘What’s going on?’

She heard her mum mumble, ‘She can’t be here,’ before racing to the conservatory.

Emily followed her. They both stopped in the doorway. ‘Where is she?’

‘Over there.’ Emily pointed, keeping her voice down. ‘Do you know her?’

‘Where’s Alice?’

‘She’s there.’ Emily pointed at Alice seated with her back to Freya. ‘Hey, that’s odd, they’ve both got the same surname.’ Emily had been so busy that it hadn’t registered until now. ‘Is she Alice’s daughter? I don’t think she realises Freya is here, and Freya hasn’t noticed her either.’ Emily had a thought. ‘It can’t be a coincidence that they’re both here.’

‘How long is she staying?’

‘Oh, just the night. They’ll check out later this morning.’


Emily caught Clarissa looking her way. She’d come down to breakfast, leaving Donut upstairs. Alice had left her dog in her room too.

Emily followed her mum back to reception and watched her pick up the towels. She asked again, ‘What’s this all about? Do you know her?’

‘Emily, just go back and serve the breakfasts please.’

‘But Mum …’ Emily frowned at her mum’s back. Her mum had recognised Freya’s name. She knew Alice too, Emily was sure of it. Emily’s frown deepened. Freya did seem familiar somehow, although she still couldn’t put her finger on where they might have met before.

‘See to our guests, Emily,’ her mum said. She’d cast a glance over her shoulder before making her way down the stairs and had caught Emily standing there staring into space.

‘All right!’ Emily turned on her heel and walked back to the dining room. She’d already cleared some plates. There wasn’t much left to do. She went from table to table, offering tea and coffee refills. She walked over to Clarissa’s table.