“He is treating me with more respect,” Goran said, “and we are both happier now that we are back to our true work.”

“Which is?” I asked.

“Serving a vampire worthy of us,” Mischa said.

Deimos said, “Lay him at his sister’s feet, she’s the one that tied him up.”

I looked at Rodina then. She actually looked uncomfortable, like she was embarrassed at what she’d done. I wasn’t sure it was possible for her to feel bad about anything she’d done. I guess she really did love both her brothers, she just had a weird way of showing it.

“My lord Deimos, once we told our brother of your glorious plan and he refused to join, I had no choice but to detain him.”

“Why not kill him?” Deimos asked.

Rodina tried to be very still, face blank, but the very carefulness screamed how she felt about the idea of killing Ru.

“My lord,” Rodrigo said, “we are not ordinary siblings, the three of us shared a womb. It is a connection beyond any other.”

“No connection is beyond the one you owe to me, Phobos.”

Rodrigo went to one knee. “I meant familial connection only, my lord.”

Ru chose that moment to wake up, raising his head off the floor to look around. “What did you do to me, sister?”

“Hush, brother, we are in the middle of something,” she said.

Ru turned his head as far as he could to either side, and when he saw me he said, “Anita, I am so sorry that they betrayed you.”

“He is still loyal to Anita, he is of no use to me,” Deimos said.

“He will come around,” Rodina said.

“We have hunted together for our whole lives,” Rodrigo said. “Ru will come back to us.”

“And what use is that to me?” Deimos asked.

“The three of us are unstoppable, as you well know, my lord,” Rodina said.

“I remember the three of you helped bury me in the earth for so long that I thought I would go mad.”

I was pretty sure he had gone mad, but I kept that to myself, because the first rule in dealing with delusional people is never try to pop their crazy. Agree with it, or just stay quiet.

“We followed our queen’s instructions as we now follow yours, my lord,” Rodrigo said.

“You and your sister follow me, but your little brother does not.”

“He will, my lord, I promise you that,” Rodrigo said. He looked at his brother tied up on the floor and there was no pity in his face.

“Would you truly use your infamous skills as a torturer on your own brother?” Deimos asked.

“I prefer that to killing him.”

“I’ve seen your skills,” Mischa said, “and so has your brother. You might ask him if he prefers a quick death to being at your mercy, since you have none.”

“I will not—” Ru started to say.

I interrupted him. “Don’t finish the sentence.”

Like a good vampire Bride, he had to stop. “What would you have of me?”