Another Harlequin stepped forward, and her voice was female. “You’re safe.”

“The Dark Queen wants you at her side; we would never harm you,” another woman said.

“She can’t have us!” Rodina yelled in that little-girl voice, and stepped backward into thin air.

Rodrigo used a gesture that he’d just learned, and his mother had told him was very rude, as he let his sister drag him over the edge of the cliff. Ru’s face on the cliff terrified for a moment as he screamed, “No!” and tried to break his sister’s grip on his hand. It was too late; they fell together while the Harlequin rushed to the edge, trying to save them.

Rodina and he fell in utter silence glaring up at the figures on the clifftop. Ru shrieked all the way down.


I jerked awake inthe back of the SUV, my heart pounding, pulse choking me. “You’re safe, it was just a dream,” Ru said.

I turned and found his face inches from mine, but he looked just like his brother, so that for a second I wasn’t sure I’d really woken up or if the dream had just changed. I pushed away from him, but the seat belt kept me pinned. I started to panic, but Pierette said, “It’s okay, Anita, you’re awake.”

I leaned against her and she put her arms around me.

“What’s wrong, Anita? Why are you looking at me like you’re afraid of me?” Ru asked.

“I dreamed about your brother and all of you, but mainly Rodrigo.”

“I’m sorry, Rodina and I are still dreaming about him, too.”

“This is the first time I’ve dreamed about him,” I said.

“Why would you dream about him tonight?” Pierette asked, stroking my hair and laying a kiss against the side of my face.

“Rodrigo said it was because I was sleeping next to Ru.”

“I did not cause your dream, Anita,” Ru said.

“I know you didn’t do it on purpose,” I said.

“Anita, perhaps it is just a nightmare,” Truth said.

“Maybe.” I looked at Ru. “How about I tell you part of my dreamand you tell me if it’s a real memory from your childhood, or just dream garbage that got in my head.”

“Whatever I can do to help,” Ru said.

Then I realized something: The SUV wasn’t moving. “Wait a minute, why aren’t we moving?”

Ethan answered, “There’s a multicar pileup. We’re stuck until the police and ambulances get here.”

“What caused the accident?” I asked.

“We weren’t close enough to see,” Ethan said.

“Tell Ru your dream,” Nicky said.

I told him and the rest of the car the part that seemed to be Rodrigo’s memory. It was hard to tell in the car’s dimness, but I think he went pale. “One of my earliest memories is falling and screaming. The fact that I screamed was one of the reasons Roddy and Dina thought I was weak.”

“You were a child,” I said.

“We were all children,” he said.

Hard to argue with that, so I didn’t try.

“Are you saying that Anita dreamed a true memory from your childhood?” Truth asked.