Nicky wrapped his arm around me from behind, drawing me in against the front of his body. It took me a second to realize the timing meant when my body relaxed minutely from Ethan’s message that Dolph would think it was because Nicky hugged me. It made me stroke his arm where it encircled me and relax even more against his body.

“I don’t know how you manage to love this many people at once; Lucille and I are all each other can handle.”

“We’re polyamorous, you and Lucille aren’t,” I said.

“I accept that, and I’m happy for you”—he looked over my head at Nicky—“all of you.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant,” Nicky said.

Ethan came to stand with us. He was dressed in green scrubs, that odd shade that seems so popular in hospitals. “Hello, Lieutenant, did something else happen? And who’s next in the shower?”

“I will go,” Kaazim said. He walked back toward where the intern was starting to bounce with impatience.

“There are two shower stalls,” the intern said.

Ethan said, “I’ve got Anita, and the lieutenant is here, though Nicky’s shoulders may not fit in the shower stall.”

“They’re that tiny?” I asked.

He nodded and smiled.

“Drat, shower sex will have to wait until later,” Nicky said, and kissed the top of my head.

I laughed and turned in his arms to trail my fingers down his arm as he walked toward the showers.

“I’m glad to see you in good spirits, Anita. With everything that’s happening I was worried.”

“I may start gibbering at any minute, but right now I’m okay.”

“Zerbrowski is out in St. Peters handling two arson attacks on houses.”

“Wait, are you saying that these crackpots set fire to two houses with vampires in them at night?” I asked. Ethan took my hand and I held on, because nothing good was coming out of any of this.

“Three fires set at homes either owned by or with a vampire living inside them,” Dolph said.

“No one attacks vampires at night, not if they can help it. It’s suicide,” I said.

“Well, one perp poured gas on the porch of a house while the vampire and his family were out. Luckily, neighbors saw it and called the fire department. Damage was restricted to the porch and front entrance of the house. Perp didn’t wait around, so no suspects yet.”

“Yay for nosy neighbors,” I said.

“Two trees in two different yards were set on fire at two different residences. One was another family with a vampire member, but the other was in front of one of the group homes where the newer vampires from the Church of Eternal Life bunk until they get their lives together enough to live on their own.”

“Damn, I bet that’s what Zerbrowski called me about.”

“He said he called you first, but then he called Kirkland, and hecalled the Church, so they sent some of their new deacons out to help with handling the new vampires,” Dolph said.

“Yeah, I helped his wife set up a program between the Christian witches that she’s a part of and the Church of Eternal Life, since the Catholic Church is talking about disbanding their mystics, including their witches,” I said.

“Zerbrowski says Kirkland handled it just fine.”

“Which hate group claimed the fires?” I asked.

“The porch fire is unknown, but the two where trees in the yard were set aflame are being claimed by a new group called the Holy Flame. They seem to be made up of radicals from both Humans Against Vampires and Humans First.”

“How radical?” I asked.

“They want to use fire to cleanse the world of evil. They wear red hoods that look like they copied KKK hoods.”