I trained with blades, I was good with them, but I didn’t trainwith anything big enough to chop through a neck that thick. Edward had shot him with two different antitank missiles; did that mean that Deimos was fireproof?

“It is hard to see from here, but the dragon is bleeding,” Rafael said.

I whirled around and there he was in person. I ran to him like we weren’t watching the biggest gun battle I’d ever seen off in the distance complete with fifty-plus feet of dragon. I jumped into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. He caught me and startled, laughing, because I’d never greeted him like this in all the time we’d been together.

He kissed me lightly, drawing back to study my face. “I love this greeting,bebe, but what have I done to deserve it?”

“You saved the day with your magic,” I said.

“So this is a thank-you,” he said, smiling.

“Yes, and I know you’ll have some ideas about how to kill the dragon.” I was beginning to feel a little silly with the sound of gunfire as our background music. I unwrapped my arms from his neck, and he put me down.

“I have never had to kill a dragon before,mi amor.”

“They don’t have enough silver ammo to shoot it to death,” I said.

“But we did learn that it can only breathe fire if it rears up on its hind legs,” he said.

“So that’s why everyone is willing to get this close to it,” I said.

“But you are right, the police do not seem to have enough silver bullets to finish this fight.”

“Edward hit it with antitank missiles. Why didn’t that damage it more?”

“I did not see that happen, so I do not know.”

I squeezed his hand in mine and realized that I depended on Rafael to have ideas when I was out of them. I went to him when I needed advice and didn’t know where else to go. “I’m used to you having an idea when I’m out of them. You and your brujas knowmore formal magic than I do. Do they have anything that will help us slay the dragon?”

“Perhaps we have come to your aid too many times,mi amor, slaying dragons is no small task.”

“I’m sorry, you’re right, but it’s right there. It’s on the cliff edge, we just have to push it over.”

“Can it drown?” he asked.

“Not if it’s like most vampires, no.”

“Will the fall kill it?”

“No,” I said.

“But if you used a missile or bomb on any other kind of vampire or wereanimal it would kill them, correct?” he asked, as he ran his fingers through mine.


“Then perhaps he is not like any other vampire,” Rafael suggested.

I looked at him. “And if he’s not, then what? How does that help us kill him?”

“I do not know.”

Rafael drew me in against his body so he could put an arm across my shoulders. I let him do it, even put my arm around his waist, but I never stopped watching the dragon and the police at the cliff’s edge. In dragon form he was proof against sunlight, and he seemed to be fireproof, both of which was unlike any vampire I knew. So maybe we were thinking about this all wrong.

“You’ve thought of something,” Rafael said.

I nodded. “In almost all the legends about dragons being slain, the knight cuts off the head.”

“Beheading kills almost everything,” Rafael said.