“I don’t think it’s just that, I think it’s not having Jean-Claude’s marks fully functioning.”

“Why would that make you doubt yourself?”

“It’s like all my game for dating and romance is gone and I’m back to being my old awkward self.”

“You’re doing really well with me,” Micah said.

“I seem to be okay with people I love, but if it’s less than that, not so much.”

Ethan breathed through my mind,Doctor’s trying to convince the Wicked Truth that only his experimental skin will heal them.

“Who’s talking through you?” Micah asked.

“Ethan; the doctor is trying to convince Wicked and Truth to use his experimental treatment.” I thought back to Ethan,Don’t let them do it.

Ethan said,That’s what the rest of us told them, but Wicked is scared.

Tell them I’m coming to try and heal them.

“Go take care of the Wicked Truth,” Micah said. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I didn’t sound very convincing. “I’m sorry, Micah, I love you so much.”

“I know that, now go do what you need to do to help Wicked and Truth.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Your best is always more than enough, Anita. Stop doubting yourself.”

“I’m missing Jean-Claude’s suave and debonair in my head, I think.”

“Then go be charmingly awkward, I know you can do that without Jean-Claude’s help.” He was almost laughing.

“Charmingly awkward, really?”

“Really,” Micah and Nicky said together.

I hung up and used the ladies’ room, while Ru guarded the door and Nicky stood outside the stall. I tried to convince him that was a little too much bodyguarding, but unless I was going to order them to be less cautious of my safety it was faster to just go along with it, so I did.


I’d barely walkedinto the room when Jean-Claude called me. “Ma petite, Nathaniel and Damian say that you were able to visit them mind-to-mind, and it worked as it always has; let us try and see if we can repair the damage that Queenie’s interference caused.”

“You think she damaged our marks on purpose?”

“She is under guard as a precaution.”

“She can do magic like out of legend or myth, Jean-Claude. Who do we have that can handle that?”

“We have reached out to our allies among the wererats. They have agreed to use their magic to aid us.”

“I thought their magic only worked inside their inner sanctum.”

“It is most powerful there, but their brujas are not helpless in the world at large.”

“Good to know,” I said.

“If coming to you in vision does not repair the damage, then come home. Allow me to seduce you as of old,ma petite, I think that will work.”