Page 38 of Kien's Kindred

That thought made his stomach twist and chest pain. Something inside him railed against that thought.

Kien took deep breaths, trying to get rein in his emotions. He couldn’t. There was no more denying it. He wanted her, even if just for a few short weeks. He decided right then and there that he would have a small piece of her and hold on to that feeling for the rest of his life.

Kien straightened in his seat. There was only one way to make things right between them and stop the hurt currently coursing through his veins. “Nisha—”

Her cellphone rang. The sound echoed throughout the vehicle via the speakers. Tasha’s name displayed on the dash and Nisha pressed the answer button located on her steering wheel with her thumb.

“We’re about two hours out,” Nisha said as a way of greeting.

“Nisha?” the pained voice on the other end was Phate.

Kien straightened in his seat. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. He’d never heard Phate sound like he did now.

“Phate? Is everything okay? Where’s Tasha?”

“She’s fine. It’s Solgre.” It sounded like Phate had been crying. His voice was distraught.

Nisha’s gaze slipped to Kien. Worry clouded her eyes.

“Solgre?” Kien asked. Anxiety made his heartbeat spike. “We’re almost there.”

“His condition is bad,” Phate said. “Kien, I’m afraid he might not make it.”

The truck lurched forward. “The hell we won’t,” Nisha ground out, increasing to a speed he was sure was illegal.

“What happened?” Kien asked Phate.

“I woke up this morning and came to check on him. He’s got a pulse and he’s breathing, but that’s just about it.”

“What are his symptoms?”

Solgre’s symptoms had seemed to be holding steady when they’d left. So far, he’d only experienced the irritability and sleeping issues. Next would come the headaches, ringing in the ears, then the neurological symptoms that would affect his fine motor skills and nerves in his extremities. Solgre’s symptoms hadn’t progressed that far.

“He’s bleeding from his orifices now and I can’t stop it!”

Kien leaned forward in his seat. Bleeding from his orifices? Kien didn’t even recognize that as a symptom. Solgre couldn’t die, not when they were so close. “Tell him to hold on!”

Kien snapped his gaze to Nisha. They had to hurry.

“We’re going to make it,” she said to him.

Kien nodded.

“He’s in a coma, Kien, and he’s not responding!” Phate yelled.

Kien took a pained breath. There was no way Solgre could die now. Not when he was so close to relief. Kien ran a hand over his head, pushing his hair from his face. If Phate could stop the bleeding, Solgre might have a chance at making it.

“Can you make the bleeding stop?”

“The bleeding continues,” Phate said.

Kien cursed.

“That’s his blood?” a woman on the other side of the phone line asked.

Kien was surprised to hear a voice he didn’t recognize. “Who is that?”

“Margie is here,” Phate said.