Page 37 of Kien's Kindred

Chapter Fourteen

Nisha laid on her backin bed, blanket pulled up to her neck and clutched in her grip as she stared at the ceiling of her hotel room. The room was eerily quiet. The television was off but she’d thought about turning it on to provide a break from the uncomfortable silence.

Since they’d opted for the one bed suite to help with their ruse, Kien had made a pallet on the couch outside of the main bedroom where the small living space and kitchenet was. Although she couldn’t see him, she had no doubt he was beyond the closed door separating the two spaces. She couldfeelhim out there. Not only feel him, she sensed his presence. A part of her clawed in his direction, wanting to be near him at any cost.

She wouldn’t be giving in to the crazy urge any time soon. The cost of leaving her room and squeezing onto the couch next to him was too great to her heart.

“One more night,” she whispered in the dark.

She’d made it this far without totally losing her mind and falling head over heels for him. She could finish out the night. Get up early as possible to make their way back to Point Breeze and by eight in the evening, she would be sitting across from a fine man.

Douglas wasn’t as handsome as Kien but that was because Douglas was human and didn’t have the hot and sexy alien appeal.


She muttered under her breath. The first step of getting over someone, was gettingundersomeone else. She’d heard that from a past therapist and thought it was the best advice she’d gotten.

She wasn’t going to have sex with Douglas on the first date, but she would let him wine and dine her. Sex would come later. Maybe after a few dates or possibly sooner depending on how much help she needed help getting over Kien.

She sighed. Here she was, about to ruin what might be a good relationship with Douglas, all because she couldn’t control her feelings about a certain alien. Which was crazy considering she’d just met the guy.

“Why in the hell am I acting this way?” She kept her voice low. “There’s no hope for any of it.”

She could set aside the fact he was an alien. She could set aside he would be leaving as soon as his rescue showed up. Shecouldn’tset aside his callous disregard toward her or his rudeness.

Or logging their every encounter for his people to read.

Ugh. Yeah. I can’t get over that either.

She held onto those last thoughts, willing her mind to anger because she needed that strong emotion.

“Fuck him and the spaceship he came in on,” she ground out as the hot tears she couldn’t no longer keep at bay slid down the sides of her face.

* * *

THE NEXT MORNING, THEYwere on the road, almost two hours into the four-hour drive. They hardly talked. Kien opened his mouth a few times to engage in conversation, wanting to hear her voice, her laughter and enjoy their friendly banter from past days. Instead, he’d shut his mouth. Every time.

As the humans say, he’d screwed things up majorly. How to fix it?

He turned to stare out the window, eyes on the window watching Nisha’s reflection in it. Her chin was held high, and she stared ahead. She had her hair pulled back, secured with a tie as wayward curls fighting to escape. There was a delicate slope of her slender neck he wished he would’ve kissed. He realized now he’d missed his opportunity.

She hated him. That much was clear. Last night, she’d gone into the bedroom of their suite upset and she’d come out this morning with red eyes rimmed in puffiness, practically spitting fire from them.

He’d thought pushing her away was the right thing to do. There wasn’t a reason for either of them to have feelings for each other. When he left, she needed to go on and live her life and he needed to do the same.

But he didn’t want to spend his last days on Earth with Nisha hating him. Her upset with him didn’t sit right within his chest.

His thoughts bounced from believing the distance he’d created was a good thing to avoid later heartache, to wanting her attention and affection. They needed a conversation, but what good was a conversation if he didn’t know what he wanted himself?

He was confused. That much was true. Which was probably a good indicator that they needed to stay as far apart from each other as possible.