Page 36 of Kien's Kindred

She glanced at Kien. He was practically shooting daggers at her. “No, this is a good time.”

* * *


He didn’t have extraordinary hearing, but he could definitely hear the distinctive male voice on the other end of her call.

“In my message I asked if you wanted to get coffee, but there’s this new Italian place that I want to try. Can we go there instead?” the man asked.

Wait. Nisha was planning a date with another male? How could she jump from him to another so quickly? Well, he was the one who’d snuffed out any lingering feelings between them.

This is what he’d wanted, right? For her to move on?



Kien picked up his wine glass, almost downing half before setting it down too hard.

He didn’t know what he wanted.

Nisha glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. He ignored her.

“Are you talking about Marra’s?” she replied to the caller.

“That’s the one.” The man chuckled. “Have you already been? If so, I can pick another place.”

He knew of that restaurant. He’d take a few dates there. He should’ve taken Nisha. Kien took another drink, finishing his wine. He signaled for the waiter.

“I haven’t been, but I’ve been dying to get there. The reviews are good.”

“How about tomorrow or if that’s too soon what about next Saturday?” the man asked.

Tomorrow?! So soon? Why couldn’t she wait to date until after he left?

Kien’s stomach hurt. The waiter, catching sight of the empty wine glass Kien held, nodded in his direction. Kien sat his wine glass down again. This time it wobbled and tilted, falling. Good thing it was empty.

If Nisha noticed his blunder, she didn’t take notice. Instead, she giggled and smiled into her phone. “Tomorrow is fine. I’m on the road helping a friend out but will be back tomorrow night.”

Kien wanted to punch something. No. He wanted to punch someone. That Douglas person. Maybe he would meet them at the restaurant too? He would punch him then.

A chuckle came from the man. “A friend? Anyone I should worry about? Is it my competition?”

Nisha glanced at Kien, holding her eyes steady as she spoke into the phone. “You have nothing to worry about.”