After Jensen and Courtney got together, they needed some help at the shelter, and Jensen asked me. I agreed, and have been semi-regular there. Mostly fixing things that break, that sort of thing.

But I guess something is going on they need to talk to me about, and they asked me to pick up their order in town and bring some Christmas trees for the families to set up and decorate.

So now I’m making the drive through the mountains, circling around a few times, ensuring I’m not being followed or watched before I pull up to the gate and enter my code.

You can’t see the building itself from the road, so it’s a bit of a drive after I get through the gate, and then there’s another gate around the building as an extra layer of security. They get notified inside when anyone comes to the first gate, so Courtney and Jensen are waiting for me by the back door by the time I get there.

“We just got done pulling out all the Christmas decorations and ornaments, and the kids are really excited to get going on the trees,” Courtney says with a smile, but I can tell it’s strained like something’s wrong that she’s not wanting to talk about.

I learned that she will talk when she is ready, but not always in front of the people at the shelter.

“Everything okay?” I ask, even though I’m pretty sure it’s not.

“We can talk about it later. Let’s get these trees in,” Courtney says. We unload everything and set up the trees so the families can start decorating.

A boy who looks to be about Izzy’s age walks over, holding the hand of a younger girl who looks to be a spitting image of him.

“My sister wants to help put decorations on the tree. Can we?” he asks with so much hope in his eyes that I can tell it also means a lot to him.

“Of course, you can. Max, why don’t you help Jensen here with the lights? Gracie, why don’t you start going through that box of ornaments to get an idea of where you want to hang them once the lights are on,” Courtney says before she gets pulled away.

The lights go on pretty quickly as the little girl sits on the floor looking through the box. When we’re done, she pulls out the star that goes on top of the tree.

“Oh, can I put the star on the top? Please, please, please, please, please?” she asks, and even sticks out her bottom lip for good measure.

“You okay with that?” I ask her brother.

“Yeah, it’ll mean more for her to do it,” he says, shrugging his shoulders and digging into the box.

“Can I pick you up to help you put the star on the top?” I ask her, and a huge smile lights her face as she nods her head enthusiastically.

I pick her up around her waist and lift her up so that she can put the tree topper on. She takes an extra minute to ensure it’s on straight before I set her back down.

I take a step back and let her and her brother start decorating the tree as Courtney walks up beside me.

“I don’t know what to do with that family. The kids are super sweet, but the mom has extended family involved with some not too good people,” Courtney says, never taking her eyes off the two kids.

“Who’s her family involved with?” I ask, now that she’s got my attention.

“Savage Bones,” she says and then looks at me with worry in her eyes.

She has every right to be worried. Savage Bones is a one-percent motorcycle club that has been causing problems in the area. They are not good people, and if they think one of their own is getting out or someone with information might share that information, they would rather see the person dead.

“I can get her and the kids into a shelter in Bozeman, but not until after the first of the year. Until then, they need a safe house. We’re hearing motorcycles going by several times a day, and it’s just too close for comfort at this point.”

“Shit. It’s getting that bad? Why hasn’t Jensen said anything to the rest of the club?”

“I think he’s getting ready to soon. We are out of options. We have tried a few other shelters, but we just got a call today from the last one. They’re all booked up because of the holidays. There’s no place else we can send her. I’m sure as hell not going to turn her out on the street, but it’s not safe for her to stay here either.”

“She can stay at my family’s old hunting cabin. My brother Six is the only person who knows where it’s at other than my parents.”

I don’t know what came over me to offer the cabin. I didn’t even realize the words were coming out of my mouth. I really should check with my older brother before I offer it out, but since Six is the Mustang Mountain Riders club secretary, I know he’ll be more than willing to help.

“Really?” Courtney says with so much hope in her voice that all I can do is nod my head.

“Holly, come here,” Courtney calls, and the most beautiful curvy woman with dark brown wavy hair steps up. “Dean, this is Holly. She is Max and Gracie’s mom. Holly, Dean here just offered you his hunting cabin that’s a bit off the grid, and only his family knows how to get there.”

“I really appreciate it, but I just talked to a friend who is going to let me stay with her. It’s going to be a day or two before I can get there. We’re working out the details now.” She smiles and then walks off when her daughter calls her over.