“What was that all about?” I asked, a little concerned about her reaction to the call.

“He needs me in Egypt at the end of the week. The guy who was supposed to handle the launch of three new stores just quit. I’ve got to get out there to save the grand opening.” She shook her head. “I’m supposed to be on vacation. I wanted to spend a few more days with my dad before we flew back to London.”

“It’s okay. I’ve never been to Egypt.” I cracked a smile, trying to make the best out of the situation. “We can ride camels in the desert and check out the pyramids.”

She offered a smile that withered into a frown. “I’ll be working non-stop. You might as well stay here and help your friends.”

“No, that’s not how this is going to work. I meant it when I said I go where you go. If I have to sit around in a hotel room all day long just so I can hold you at night, that’s where I want to be.” I wouldn’t let her go alone. Not now. Not when we’d reconnected, and I got a taste of what a future with Ainsley could be like.

“You’ll be miserable.” She blinked back tears. “You broke up with me before because you knew I wouldn’t leave without you. That I’d sacrifice everything to be with you.”

I nodded. “That’s right. I couldn’t let you put your dreams aside just to be with me. It wouldn’t have been fair. You would have eventually grown to resent me.”

“Don’t you see? That’s exactly what’s happening again. Now you’re the one willing to put everything aside for me. I can’t let you do that. Not now. Not ever. Your place is here, Nate. Your friends need you, and you need Mustang Mountain. You’ll never feel whole away from here. I can’t let you do it.” She flung the covers away and got out of bed.

My heart cracked down the middle because I knew she was right. I’d hate being away from the mountains. The thought of being walled in by buildings made my skin crawl. “I don’t want to live without you, Firefly.”

“I don’t think we have a choice.” She’d tossed on the same clothes she’d worn last night at the party. “Can you please take me back to my cabin? I have a plane to catch if I want to keep my job.”



Nate droppedme off at the rental cabin, promising to come back in an hour. I told him I needed some time alone to think, but my mind was already made up. I wasn’t going to let him sacrifice everything to follow me to London. I couldn’t. No doubt he’d hate me at first, but I hoped he’d come to understand and appreciate that I’d done it for him.

It only took about fifteen minutes to throw everything I’d brought to Mustang Mountain into my car. With tears running down my cheeks, I drove through the middle of town. I didn’t have the heart to stop at the mercantile to turn my key into Ruby. I planned on calling when I felt like I could hear her voice without breaking down.

I might have only spent a few days in Mustang Mountain, but it had already felt more like home than anywhere else I’d ever lived, even Bozeman, where I’d spent the majority of my life.

A song came on the radio—the same one Nate and I had listened to the other day while he drove me through town. Even fate was working against me, twisting the blade that pierced through my heart. The highway up ahead blurred. I could barely see the dashed line separating the lanes thanks to my tears.

What was I doing?

Was I really willing to sacrifice the love of a lifetime for a job?

I didn’t even like my job anymore. I’d only been holding on, trying to survive until I got that promotion that would allow me to move back to the States. Being so far away from the only family I had left had taken its toll, and now that Nate and I had reconnected, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get on that plane.

I pulled over to the side of the road and fished a tissue out of my purse. The more I thought about it, the more sure I became. I’d blamed him for breaking up with me all those years ago, but I was the one who let him. I could have fought for him. I’d suspected he was lying about not having feelings for me, but all I wanted was for him to be happy, even if that meant being happy with a life that didn’t include me.

Screw that. Nate was right. I needed to stop putting others’ needs before my own. The first thing I needed to do was tell my boss I wasn’t going to be his “yes girl” anymore. It was time for me to look out for myself and do what would make me happy. Starting with making a U-turn and heading straight back to Mustang Mountain.

I wiped my tears away with the tissue and checked my reflection in the rearview mirror. A stronger, more confident version of myself stared back at me. This was my time. My life was up to me.

Easing back onto the divided highway, I looked for somewhere to turn around. Exits were few and far between, but usually there were spots every so often where emergency vehicles could cross the median. I’d gone about a mile when I noticed something in the road up ahead. A few trucks lined up on either side of the road. I slowed down, wondering if there’d been an accident.

As I approached, a man got out of the driver's side of a truck parked on the right shoulder, and he motioned for me to stop. I recognized that build, that dark head of hair, that grumpy, growly look on his gorgeous face. Nate put his hands on his hips as I pulled to the shoulder.

Happiness took flight in my chest. I threw my door open and flung myself into his arms. “I’m so happy to see you.”

“Really? Looks to me like you were trying to run away, Firefly. Were you planning on leaving me behind?” He didn’t look angry so much as he looked hurt. My heart shriveled, knowing I was the reason for the pain in his eyes.

“I thought it would be for the best. You would have hated London. I couldn’t take you away from here.” My thoughts poured out in a jumble of words as I tightened my grip. I never wanted to let go of him again. Not even for a second.

“That’s not your decision to make. Where you go, I go, remember?” The scruff on his cheeks scraped against my ear. His hands went under my ass, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

“Then you can take me back to Mustang Mountain. I’m staying.”

Nate pulled back, his forehead creased. “What about your job?”