The festive moodhad disappeared the moment the guys took off to try to find Hades. I would have given anything to go with Nate. Knowing he was out there in the woods, tracking the wolf all alone, made me sick with worry. When he finally called to check in and let me know everyone was okay, including Hades, I finally let myself breathe in a sigh of relief.

I met him on the porch of the community center. He climbed out of the front of the truck Asher was driving, then pulled me into his arms.

“I’m so glad you’re back.” I buried my face in his neck and tried to breathe him in. He smelled like snow with an undercurrent of damp earth. “I was so scared something bad was going to happen to you.”

He smoothed a hand over my hair. “Nothing bad was going to happen. I know this area like the back of my hand. Hell, I know it even better than the back of your hand, baby. The guys around here look out for each other. Everything is going to be okay.”

“Emma told me about all the break-ins that have been happening, and now Hades is hurt? What are they doing to find whoever’s responsible?” Now that Nate was back in my arms, my focus shifted to the safety of the town. Mustang Mountain was a close-knit community. Someone had disrupted the peace, and I could feel the tension in the air like a thick, damp blanket.

“Sheriff Cade is handling it. He’s got a good team of guys. They’ll figure out what’s going on.” Nate was saying all the right things, but I wasn’t sure he believe them.

“How long has this been happening? One of the girls said it’s been months.”

“It’s nothing you need to worry about. Let’s head inside before you get sick. I can’t have you flying back to London with a cold.” He put his arm over my shoulder and led me inside.

As soon as we entered the room, his friends swarmed us, looking for an update on what had happened. I excused myself to go get him a cup of coffee. He looked like he needed something to warm him up, and I was looking for a chance to catch my breath away from the crowd.

“Are you okay?” Lily found me in the kitchen.

I finished filling a cup from the urn of coffee and offered her a weak smile. “I don’t know. Nate keeps saying I shouldn’t worry, but I can’t help it.”

“He’s right. The guys will figure it out. They’re always there for each other, no matter what.”

“But that’s just it. I’m taking Nate away. What if something happens to one of you while he’s gone? He’d never forgive himself for not being here. He’d never forgive me.” Nate and I might not have spent a lot of time together over the past several years, but I knew his heart. He’d never leave a friend in need. He was always the first one to pitch in to help, whether it was helping someone move or driving through the night to get home when one of his brothers needed help.

Lily set her hand on my arm. She was probably trying to reassure me, but it just made me more aware of the found family Nate was leaving behind. “He needs you. I’ve known Nate since he moved here, but I’ve never seen him so happy, so full of life. He always kept to himself and never seemed interested in dating or even talking to women. Now I know why. He loves you, Ainsley. And if he’s anything like my Mack, he’ll follow you to the ends of the earth, even if that means leaving his friends and family behind.”

I nodded, already knowing that deep down inside. He’d leave everything to be with me. But was I strong enough to do the same for him?

“I’d better get him this coffee before it gets cold.” I set the cup down on the counter. “Can I have a hug first, though?”

Lily laughed as she swept me into her arms. It had been so long since I’d felt the kind of camaraderie I did with the women in Mustang Mountain. Even Ruby, bless her heart, cared so much about the town and the people who lived here, though she could spend a little less time focusing on her matchmaking efforts.

“I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you and Nate.” Lily pulled back. Nothing but genuine affection shone in her eyes.

“Me too.” I picked up the coffee and found my way back to Nate. He and several of the other guys sat in a wide circle, their conversation focused on sorting through the facts they knew about what had been going on over the past several weeks.

“Thanks, Firefly.” Nate took the coffee and patted his lap. There weren’t any available chairs nearby, so I snuggled into him and pressed my cheek against his chest.

The soft flannel of his shirt made the perfect pillow, and I fell asleep to the vibration of his deep voice rumbling through his chest.

* * *

“Hey,baby. It’s time to go.” Nate’s lips touched my forehead. I opened my eyes to him staring down at me, a smile teasing the corners of his lips.

“How long was I out?” Groggy, and a little confused, I glanced around the almost-empty room.

“A couple of hours. All the excitement must have worn you out.” He rubbed a palm over my back and helped me sit up. “The party’s over. You ready to head back to the cabin?”

“Sure.” Like a baby deer taking its first steps, I awkwardly stumbled to my feet.

“Easy there.” Nate steadied me with a hand on my elbow. “You’re so cute when you’re asleep. You make the most adorable sounds.”

Heat prickled my cheeks. “Oh my god, did I snore?”

“Just a little.” His grin spread wider, showing off his teeth.

Mortified, I shook off the sleepiness and searched for where I’d left my coat. “You’re not allowed to let me fall asleep in public anymore. Got it?”