Ainsley held up her pointer finger. “I’m saying yes under one condition.”

“Name it.” Nothing could keep me away from her. Didn’t matter what her condition ended up being.

“If you hate it there, you have to tell me. We can make it work, but I don’t want to be the reason you stay somewhere you can’t stand. Promise?”

“I’m going to love it because I love you.” Saying those three words opened a floodgate of emotion inside. I hadn’t uttered them to anyone except my mom since the day I broke up with Ainsley.

“I love you, too.” Her arms went around my neck and our lips mashed together.

The lines between us blurred, and I lost track of where her body ended and mine started. I’d felt like a huge piece of me had been missing for way too long. With Ainsley in my arms, it slid back into place. My future held promise again.

It might have been hours or just minutes that passed. I never had a good sense of time when I was all wrapped up with my girl. When we finally broke apart, I tapped my forehead to hers.

“Sounds like you’re hellbent on coming with me. What do we need to do to make that happen?” she asked.

The reality of what I’d need to do in the next few days to pull this off washed over me. “I’m not sure I even know where to start.”

“You probably should start by asking about that leave of absence.” She climbed off my lap. That’s when I noticed what she had on—one of my button-down flannel shirts over nothing at all.

“What have you got on under there?” I slid my hand up her backside, loving the feel of her bare ass on my palm.

“You have work to do. There’ll be plenty of time for that later.”

My cock had been hard since the moment she sat down on my lap. “You think I’ll be able to concentrate with this going on in my pants?” I teased.

“Poor baby.”

She didn’t look sympathetic to my situation, so I moved my hand around to graze her clit with my thumb. “You still want me to get to work?”

“Maybe we could take a quick minute or two before you start on that to-do list.”

I lifted my hips and eased my sweats down my thighs. “Come here, Firefly.”

She climbed onto my lap and slid onto me, her pussy wet and ready. It only took a minute before her nails dug deep into my shoulder and she called out my name. I followed her right over the edge, my hands on her hips, clinging to her like a life raft in a raging river. My love for her had almost ripped me apart. Now it was the soothing balm that pieced me back together.



How Ruby managedto pull together a going away party for Nate on such short notice amazed me. Even though I’d only spent a couple of days in Mustang Mountain, my chest tightened as we walked into the community center. Nate’s friends had strung lights around the edges of the room and hung a banner across the entrance. He wasn’t just leaving his co-workers and a few MC brothers behind, he was leaving his found family.

“Congratulations, honey.” Ruby caught me in a hug as soon as we entered. “I thought naming Nate as the mountain man of the month was a risk, but now I’m eleven for eleven.”

Nate had filled me in on Ruby’s goal of matching up all the single men in Mustang Mountain. He also told me how she’d had little to do with some of the guys finding love, but they let her take the credit. She reminded me of one of my great aunts—well-intentioned with questionable methods.

“I guess that means congratulations are in order for you too,” I told her. “Do you have any idea who you’ll pick for December?”

She leaned forward and whispered in my ear. “Surprising them is ninety-nine percent of the fun. You’ll have to wait and see.”

Nate gently took hold of her shoulders and gave her one of his big bear hugs. “Thanks, Ruby. For everything.”

I teared up a little at the emotion in his tone. Fanning my cheeks in an effort to keep the tears from falling, I headed toward the group of women standing by the buffet table. I’d met most of them on my whirlwind tour of town. Lily smiled as I approached.

“It’s nice to see Nate so happy. He’s like a totally different person with you around.” She held out a brown box tied with a holiday ribbon. “I thought you two might be able to use some cookies to keep up your energy while you finish closing up his place.”

“Thanks.” I took the box and looked around the circle, trying to remember all the women's names. Emma stood next to April, with Courtney right behind her. Madeline bounced a baby on her hip while Luna bent down to tie a ribbon that had come loose in Izzy’s hair. Even though I’d just met them, I could feel the bond between them. Assuming everything worked out between me and Nate, hopefully they’d become like sisters to me when we moved back to Mustang Mountain.

Nate came up behind me and offered a shy smile to his friends’ significant others. “Mind if I steal her for a few minutes?”