Page 24 of Bianca's Bastard

“Decorating your bed?” he said, making her laugh as he pulled her against him again. Holding him in a hug, Bianca saw his gun again on the counter, but she didn’t say anything about it.

“Where’s your office?” she asked.

“Quincy. I live there, too.”

“Quincy?” she said, grinning and grimacing at the same time.

He laughed, understanding her look. “You know, it’s actually not that bad.”

“They should put that on a T-shirt.Quincy: It’s actually not that bad!” She arced a hand through the air like she was painting a rainbow with her palm.

He let out a burst of true laughter, then looked at her with a bemused smile on his face. “You are quite funny,” he said, almost in a surprised way.

“Dude. I’m hilarious,” she said playfully.

“You are,” he agreed, but a worried frown passed across his face as he said it. “Funny girl,” he whispered. He kissed her on the forehead, and then pulled back, his expression suddenly detached. “I have to shower.” He walked away, bringing the gun back upstairs with him.

Bianca drank her coffee and went through her messages. Everyone in her family had tried to contact her last night, and she deleted all the messages after hearing the first few words.

Elias came down while she was getting to the last of them.

“Is that Cassiel or Rafe?” Elias guessed.

“That was Cass. But Rafe called too,” she said ruefully, putting her phone down.

Elias was dressed in yesterday’s clothes, all of which had spent the night on the floor in a heap, but he still somehow managed to look fresh. His clothes might not be ordered from Paris and tailored to perfection, like her brother Rafe’s, but he paid attention to style and knew what looked good on him. Bianca liked his choices and shamelessly admired the way he looked.

“Aren’t you going to listen to that?” he asked, indicating the message she had deleted after playing the wordsBianca, if you don’t pick up—.

She shook her head and went to the other side of the island. “For some reason seeing you fully dressed makes me want to get you naked again,” she said, slinking around the chairs while tugging on the bow of her robe.

His eyes flashed and he slowed down. “Bianca,” he said like he was warning her.

She let her robe fall open, her tight nipples thrusting out from behind the lapels. “What? I’m just giving you a visual to think about for the rest of the day.”

His eyes went hazy and his lips parted as he pushed aside the sheaths of loose silk. He looked up at her as he slipped his fingers between her legs. She gasped and grabbed onto his shoulders to steady herself. Her eyes closed and her head tipped back, moaning as he stroked her. She heard the clinking of his belt, and then he was lifting her up and pushing her up against the island, thrusting into her fast and deep, like a rutting animal.

“Come,” she whispered in his ear.

“No, you’re not there yet,” he said, his voice breaking.

“Come,” she said again, and he did.

She smiled as he groaned and bucked between her thighs, loving that she’d made him lose control. His body shuddered and his head fell onto her shoulder, suddenly weak.

“Shit,” he whispered. He looked up at her, his cheeks flushed and his eyes shining. “Sorry.”

She shook her head at him, her fingers playing with the hair at the back of his head. “Don’t apologize. That’s what I wanted.”

Still breathing hard, he dropped his forehead onto her neck again and put her down on the ground, still unsteady on his feet.

“I’m not going to have legs today.” He laughed like he was drunk. “I hope I don’t have to chase anyone.”

He was joking, but it suddenly occurred to her that chasing someone, someone who could be potentially dangerous, was a real possibility for him. She could feel the gun under his jacket and she looked at him, her eyes wide and fearful.

“No, no, it’s okay,” he said, pulling her into a hug. “I was kidding.”

“I know, but thatcouldhappen,” she said. She pushed on his chest until she was far enough away to see his face. “You’ve chased people before, right?” She waited until he nodded reluctantly. “And—have you ever shot anyone?” The words came out of her choked and strange. His face was blank, and his eyes shifted away for a split second, like he didn’t know how to answer her. Her eyes widened. “You have, haven’t you?”