Page 12 of Bianca's Bastard

“Cassiel,” he replied, finally looking up at her. “Was that the wrong one to call?”

She laughed queasily. “Yeah. No. Neither is better. They’re both worse for different reasons.”

Elias started dressing in silence. His frustration gathering. “When we get back to the station, if you want to file a report against me—” he finally said, but he didn’t get a chance to finish.

There was a crashing sound, followed by shouted curses, and suddenly Cassiel came barreling out of the trees, already throwing punches.

Elias ducked and blocked expertly, the two of them instantly flowing into practiced fighting stances as they circled each other, looking for an opening. Momentarily stunned by the violent onslaught, Bianca’s brain finally registered what was happening and she jumped between them, holding up her arms.

“Cassiel, what the hell is wrong with you!” she screamed.

He didn’t listen, only reached out, grabbed Bianca, and pulled her behind him, snarling obscenities.

“She’shighyou motherfucker!” Cassiel shouted at Elias.

“I know!” he yelled back, suddenly dropping his fighting posture. He buried his hands in his hair like he couldn’t believe what he’d done and started walking around in a circle.

“I’m going to have your badge, your career, youreverythingby the end of the week,” Cassiel said, holding onto his sister.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Bianca yelled until her brother finally looked at her. “Elias didn’t lay a hand on me,” she said.

“Bianca,” her brother growled, not believing her. He gestured in Elias’ direction, who was still only half-dressed.

“Iknow, but it’s not what it looks like,” she said firmly. “I was in a boat, floating downriver. He took his clothes off to swim to me and bring the boat to shore because I threw the damn paddle overboard.” Bianca took a step away from her brother. “Elias didn’t touch me, except to keep me off of him, actually.”

Cassiel looked between the two of them doubtfully. Elias couldn’t meet either of their eyes.

“It’s true,” Bianca said. And it was technically true, while simultaneously being notthetruth. “And I’m not that high anymore, so you can both relax.”

Cassiel calmed down somewhat, but he was still very angry and had to put that anger somewhere. “That’s it for Eden, do you understand me? You’re never seeing her again.”

“Cass—” Bianca began, but he turned her around by the shoulders and pushed her in front of him, away from the river.

“Come on. The car is up the hill. Andyou, put your clothes on,” Cassiel barked at Elias.

The three of them set off through the trees to the Range Rover waiting by the side of the road. Alejandro came rushing out of the driver’s seat as soon as he saw them, popped the trunk, pulled out a blanket, and came toward Bianca.

“Miss Bumble Bee,” he said comfortingly, using one of her childhood nicknames as he swept her into the blanket and hurried her to the car.

Something about the way he was cosseting her made her want to cry. She bent her head and started sniffling, trying to make it stop.

“What happened, mi corazón?” Alejandro asked, shooting Elias an evil look.

“I’m okay, I’m just…” she trailed off and took off the blanket, offering it to Elias. “You’re going to get hypothermia,” she said when he shook his head, refusing it. He met her teary eyes and looked away quickly, the muscle in his jaw flexing as he swallowed hard.

“I have the heat on,” Alejandro said, opening one of the back doors and putting her inside. “Back to the station?” he asked Cassiel.

Cassiel nodded and got in the front, making Elias take the back seat next to Bianca. She really wanted to stop crying but for some reason, she just couldn’t. Her brother kept glancing in the mirrors, trying to see her, and she kept looking out the window, trying to hide her tears and pull herself together.

When they got to the station Elias said, “I’m afraid you can’t leave just yet.”

“Why not?”

“I still have to process you,” he said, getting out of the car and gesturing for her to do the same.

Bianca stared at him. “Are you serious?” she said.

Elias nodded, his mouth tight and his eyes blazing.