Page 8 of Bianca's Bastard

“Nice to meet you, Bianca.”

“And you are?”

“Elias… Elias Anthony Copeland,” he replied, giving his middle name as she had given hers.

“Elias,” she said quietly, putting the name to memory. They didn’t exactly smile at each other, but there was a slight lift to the corners of their mouths as they acknowledged each other’s names.

“How long have you known Ben Goh?” he asked.

Bianca’s brow raised in surprise. “Ben? I guess, since like seventh grade? Maybe sixth? I mean, not that Iknowhim, know him. He loaned me a pencil once.”

Elias smiled at her over narrowed eyes again. He was assessing her. “Eden knows him, though.”

Bianca shrugged. “I guess? I haven’t heard her talk about him before tonight.”

“How did you end up in the Lykan?”

Bianca had never heard that word before. “The what, now?”

“The car you were in. It’s called a Lykan HyperSport.”

“Oh!” Bianca said, getting it. “Well, I met Eden at the Halloween party at her parent’s house. Her dad was being a total dick to her and I had to get her out of there. I wanted my driver to take us wherever we were going—and I didn’t even know she wanted to go to Ben’s. I hadn’t seen him in a million years—butshedidn’t want to be followed by my driver. Anyway. She wasnotdoing okay and I didn’t want to leave her alone, but she said she had to get this car back to him because it was his—”

“She said that?” Elias said, leaning closer to the recording phone. “Note that the Lykan HyperSport was identified by Eden Ronson as belonging to Ben Goh.” He leaned back. “Go ahead.”

Bianca sat there for a moment. “And that’s it. I mean, we never made it to the party… because we were stopped… by a cop.”

She saw a smile escape him.

Can I say something?” she asked.


“Ben Goh would never steal a car,” she said, trying not to smirk. “He’s like crazy wealthy. His family is from Singapore, they’re probably billionaires, and if he wanted a Lykie HyperSport or whatever it’s called—”


“—he’d just buy it,” Bianca said. “I guarantee you, it’s not stolen.”

Elias nodded at her vaguely, his gaze penetrating. “What if I told you the car doesn’t exist at all?”

Bianca burst out laughing. “So how did I get here? Wait, is it like Wonder Woman’s invisible jet? Was I just floating down the Mass Pike with an outline of a car around me?”

Elias crossed his arms, watching her very carefully while she cracked up.

“Oh shit,” she said, wiping laughter tears from her eyes. She took a water bottle out of Eden’s bag and twisted it open. “I’m going to have that image stuck in my head all night.”

He suddenly nodded and stood. “We’re done here,” he said. “You can call your brother to come get you.”

Bianca took a giant gulp of the water, only tasting after she’d swallowed that something was off about it. “Ew,” she exclaimed making a bitter face. “Tastes like aspirin.”

Elias stopped and turned, looking at her with a frozen expression. “What did you say?”

Bianca put the water bottle down on the desk, still grimacing. “The water. Something’s wrong with it. It tastes bitter, like aspirin.”

Elias looked at the bag. “That’s Eden’s, isn’t it?” he asked fearfully.

“Yeah, why?” Bianca replied, not understanding the problem.