Page 6 of Bianca's Bastard

Hot cop came back, pacing around outside in the glare of his headlights. Bianca felt him stop and look at her, and she became acutely aware of the fact that her micro mini skirt was basically a belt now, and she was in a thong and garter-strap fishnets.

“Your—” he began, and then he abruptly turned away and kept pacing. “You don’t have to stay in there,” he said, his tone softer. “There’s nothing you can do for her.”

“Well, forgive me if I’m worried she’s going to choke on her own vomit,” Bianca snapped back. But she was really uncomfortable. Her thighs were starting to burn, holding herself poised like that over her friend. She relaxed just a little and her bare butt hit the horn and the car beeped loudly.

“Just get out of there,” hot cop ordered.

“Fine!” Bianca huffed, trying to unspool her long legs out the door, but she couldn’t quite step down without both doing a split and putting her crotch down on top of Eden, which didn’t feel right given the circumstances. She had no idea how she’d gotten herself in there because she was wedged between her friend and the steering wheel. Her butt hit the horn again, honking even louder than the last time.

“I think I’m stuck,” she finally admitted.

“Here,” hot cop said tersely. He reached inside the car, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her out of the car.

He placed her down on the ground, and for a moment her arms were draped around his neck and his arms were still wrapped around her waist. He was really strong. And tall. And, as Eden had mentioned, gorgeous. She also noticed that he smelled good. Not that he was wearing cologne, it was just that his skin smelled right to her in both a comforting and an alluring way. And with her face tilted up to his, they were the perfect height to kiss. Hot cop released her suddenly.

“Thank you,” she said, stepping back. Bianca looked anywhere but at him, feeling herself blush as she smoothed her skirt down over her exposed butt.

“What did she take?” Hot cop asked

“I don’t know. I swear.”

Hot cop went around the car to the passenger side and sat down. He went through the glove box, not finding what he was looking for, then started digging through Eden’s bag. He took out her wallet and then handed the bag to Bianca.

“See if you can find any pills. Might help the medics to identify what she’s on,” he said, and Bianca did as he said.

She put Eden’s bag on the hood of the car and took everything out one item at a time to be thorough. Clothes, makeup, another bottle of water, breath mints, a toothbrush, keys, a few condoms, but no pills.

“Nothing,” Bianca said. “And I didn’t see her take any pills.”

“Drug addicts are adept at hiding their drugs, especially when they take them,” he said in a detached way.

“Eden is not a drug addict,” Bianca said, feeling the need to defend her friend. “She does drugsoccasionallybut she’s not an addict.”

He smirked, still looking through the wallet. “How about you? Do you do drugsoccasionally?” he asked, emphasizing the word to mock her.

“No,” Bianca replied, shaking out one of Eden’s shirts just in case there were pills in there. “I mean, I’m not a nun, I’ve done stuff, before, when I was young and dumb. But they’re not for me.”

“Glad to hear it,” he mumbled, a little smile on his lips.

Flashing lights came up the road, and a singlebloopfrom the ambulance sounded out. They both leaned away from each other, realizing that they had been standing close together. Hot cop turned and raised a hand to the ambulance driver, coming around the car to the driver’s side.

Feeling a little shaky, Bianca started shoving all of Eden’s belongings back into the bag. The medics were calling out to Eden, slapping her face, declaring her unresponsive but still alive. The gurney was taken out and they went about securing her for a ride to the hospital.

Bianca shouldered Eden’s bag, preparing to get into the ambulance with the gurney when hot cop stopped her.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

Bianca gestured vaguely towards the ambulance. “The hospital,” she said, not understanding.

Hot cop smirked at her and shook his head. “Like hell you are. You’re coming to the station with me.”

Bianca’s jaw dropped. “For what?!”

“To answer some questions.”

“Am I under arrest?”

“If you don’t cooperate.”