Page 5 of Bianca's Bastard

“I didn’t ask you,” he said in such a condescending tone Bianca wondered if he’d taken lessons from her mother.

The light came off of Bianca and moved to Eden.

“Shit,” she said, andthenshe flinched.

“Uh-huh,” he said as if Eden had just told him something. “I’m going to need your license and registration before I ask you to step out of the car.”

“See… the problem is… I don’t have the registration… with me,” Eden said.

Bianca practically turned sideways in her seat to face Eden. “What do you mean?” she asked.

Eden burst out laughing. And not normal laughing. It started out of nowhere and kept building, even though nothing was funny. She kept laughing and laughing long past the point where it made any sense.

Bianca looked up at the hot cop, completely nonplussed. “I have no idea what’s going on here,” she said.

Eden started kicking her feet and gasping, laughing so hysterically now it almost seemed like she was having a fit. “We got pulled over by Keanu Reeves!” she gasped.

“Eden?” Bianca said, placing a hand on her friend, worried.

She tapped her a few times, trying to snap her out of it, but Eden was blathering, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t,” over and over like she had just seen the funniest thing ever.

“Eden, what the actualfuckis happening?” Bianca yelled.

“Will you step out of the vehicle?” the hot cop said.

He opened the driver’s side door while Eden writhed around, still laughing like a hyena.

“She was sober two seconds ago,” Bianca mumbled as she got out.

“And now she isn’t,” he said like he was talking to an idiot.

“Bastard,” Bianca said under her breath as she came around the car, but he heard her. The mag light shone on her again and Bianca instinctively stopped and lifted her arms like he had a gun on her.

“Come again?” he said.

“You’re not being very nice, you know,” she said, trying not to shuffle her feet like she was getting scolded by her teacher.

She saw the corner of his mouth lift again in a reluctant smile which he quickly squashed. “You can put your arms down,” he said, turning the light back on Eden who had fallen silent. She looked like she was losing consciousness.

“Is she okay?” Bianca asked.

He growled in frustration, his hands going into his hair. “Fuck!” he yelled into the night. Then he stepped forward quickly and caught Eden as she slid down in her seat, passing out.

Bianca hurried forward and caught her friend’s head while hot cop supported her body. They were jammed into the doorway together, and his big shoulders didn’t leave a lot of room for her. Annoyed, he hit a button and the driver’s seat tilted back so Eden didn’t slump forward and out of the car.

“Shit, is she breathing?” Bianca said, her voice catching in her throat.

“Hold her up,” hot cop snapped.

“I’m trying!” Bianca said, but her friend had turned into a bag of jelly. A heavy bag of jelly.

“We’re going to need an ambulance,” he said through his teeth. He stood up and went to his vehicle, cursing violently under his breath.

“I’m sorry but did wespoilyourevening?” Bianca called after him tauntingly. Then added quietly, “Bastard.”

“As a matter of fact,” he began but didn’t finish. Instead, he reached inside his vehicle—which Bianca noticed was not a regular police car but a shiny, all-black muscle car with a little cobra emblem on the side just in front of the driver’s door—turned on his headlights and pulled out a beeping radio. “Copeland to dispatch. I’m going to need an ambulance and a crash kit for a possible OD.”

Bianca had worked her way inside the car and was straddling Eden, kneeling on either side of her legs in the driver’s seat, hovering over her. Eden’s head kept lolling to the side. Bianca tried to hold it upright so she could keep her friend’s airway clear.