Page 4 of Bianca's Bastard

“Ahh—yes?” Bianca said dubiously. She had a vague memory of a kid from Singapore loaning her a pencil in seventh grade.

Eden pulled out and headed right for the Mass Pike. “It’s his car. He’s having a party. It’ll be fun.”

Bianca glanced over her shoulder and was happy to see that her SUV and driver were following her. Having Cassiel and Rafe for brothers was usually a pain in the ass, but there were times like this when Bianca couldn’t have been happier about it.

Eden caught her looking for the driver. “Uh-uh. No chaperones tonight,” she said, putting her foot down and weaving dangerously through traffic.

“Are you insane!” Bianca screamed as they barreled down the narrow, ancient streets that were not built with wide race cars in mind.

The comfortable yet heavy SUV with its deep seats and dramatic lighting was no match for a supercar. Eden drove up on the median, cut off dozens of people, and in moments, she had lost Bianca’s driver.


“I’m not talking to you,” Bianca said.

“Why?” Eden said, smacking the side of her leg. “ Isn’t it fun to be totally off leash? When you’re ready to leave you can call whoever you want to come pick you up.”

“That’s not the point. The point is, I saidstopand you didn’t,” Bianca said.

A few seconds went by. “You never said stop,” Eden said quietly. “If you’d saidstopI would have.”

Bianca thought back. “Okay, you’re right.” She sighed, angry with herself, and gave up. “So, where is Ben Goh’s house?”

“The woods!” Eden answered, giggling. “No, actually, it’s really pretty. There’s a river and boat behind his house. It’s going to be fun.”

As they got off at the Weston exit, Bianca realized that Eden hadn’t been kidding about the woods thing. Weston was an extremely wealthy suburb of Boston with multi-million-dollar estates dotting the countryside. But it was, actually, in thewoodsand Bianca was much more used to the city.

Everything was dark, and it was hard to see street signs. Their supercar did not have GPS, strangely enough. There was some kind of super-fast button—totally illegal and crazy expensive—but non-racing extras that Eden and Bianca had both come to expect in any vehicle were not there. There wasn’t even a cup holder for Eden’s water. For the past five minutes, she had been taking little sips of it and then holding the bottle between her thighs.

They were going very slowly, looking for the turn to Ben Goh’s street when they saw red and blue lights flash and the single pulsewoopof a police siren.

“Fuck me sideways,” Eden said quietly. She turned to Bianca. “Should we run for it?”

She was actually considering it. Her friend was a lunatic. “What?! No! Eden,stopthe damn car!”

“Just hear me out. We can definitely beat whatever that cop is driving. And this car is—”

“Stop. The. Car.”

Eden dropped her head back and groaned, “Fine! I hope you like spending the night in jail,” but she did pull over. She rolled down her window, kept both her hands on the wheel and the two women got their best smiles ready.

They heard footsteps coming toward them and the sound of voices coming over the radio inside the officer’s car. A flashlight shone in the window.

“License and registration,” said a very deep and grouchy voice.

“What seems to be the problem officer?” Eden began cheerfully, really annunciating every word so he could hear that she wasn’t drunk. “We weren’t speed—oh shit, you’re fuckinggorgeous.”

“Eden…” Bianca cried out, smacking her friend’s arm.

“But he is!”

Bianca ducked her head down a little so she could see the officer standing outside the driver’s side window.

He was in his late twenties, maybe early thirties. He was really tall, and not in uniform, though he was wearing a gun belt. Bianca let her eyes track up his lean, muscular body to his face. He was at least partially Asian, but Bianca couldn’t quite place his ethnicity. He had high, swooping cheekbones and a square jaw, jet-black hair and eyes, and full lips.

He made an annoyed sound. “Have you been drinking tonight, ma’am?” he asked.

“I have,” Bianca said raising her hand. He shone the light directly into her eyes, making her flinch. What a bastard. “Ow. It was just a glass of champagne,” she mumbled, cringing.