Page 39 of Bianca's Bastard

“Elias—” she gasped.

“Shh,” he said, pulling back and looking at her with a fierce expression. “Don’t make a sound,” he whispered so quietly she barely heard him even though he pressed his lips against her ear.

He tore off her thong and pushed himself inside her in seconds, biting his own lip to keep himself from groaning. His muscles shook with the effort to hold her up and to keep thrusting silently, muffling his movement. When she climaxed, he covered her mouth, letting out a long hiss of his own as his release came on the heels of hers.

He set her down and kept her caged against the wall, using it for support until he’d caught his breath again.

“Elias—” she tried to say again, but he shook his head, his eyes pleading as he silenced her.

“I promised you dinner,” he said in a normal voice, even though he looked like he was still reeling from the exertion of moments ago. “What are you in the mood for?”

He stepped back to fasten his clothes but he didn’t let Bianca get too far from him. He stayed practically on top of her while she picked up the stuff she’d dropped when he’d put her against the wall.

“What are you doing?” she asked, laughing, when she tripped over him a third time.

“I want you near me,” he said, taking the stuff out of her hands and laying it all on a nearby chair. “You’re officially not allowed to get more than one step away from me.”

She giggled, thinking how awkward that would be in a public place. “Do you want to order in, then?” she asked. “You look pretty tired.”

He nodded, pulling her back into his arms. His expression was desperate but his tone was incongruously light. “That sounds great,” he replied. “Not very romantic, though.” He rested his head on her shoulder and she ran her hands across his back, worried.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said, shaking off whatever he was going through. “I have an overnight bag in my car,” he said tentatively. “It’s just a change of clothes, shaving stuff, and a toothbrush. Do you mind that I brought all that with me?”

“Of course not,” she said. “I’ll even let you leave the toothbrush.”

He headed back out to his car to get his stuff while Bianca held the door open for him. She saw a new driver waiting for her in a big black SUV and called out, “We’re going to stay in! You can go home!”

The driver just smiled and waved at her and did not leave.

“Can you believe that?” she asked Elias as he came back to her with his bag in hand. “He’s going to sit there all night.”

Elias nodded, like he expected as much. “Your brothers don’t trust me.”

“It’s me they don’t trust,” she said, annoyed.

Elias gave her a look. “I think we all know why.”

She smacked his arm, laughing, and he grabbed her and tickled her. Their playful tussling ended up turning into a cuddle on the couch. Elias kept it innocent, stopping her from unbuttoning his clothes. She could feel he wanted her again, but all he would do was kiss her sweetly, shifting his growing erection away from her.

“Not now,” he whispered.

They ordered food, but he fell asleep before it got there. She wondered if he slept at all when he wasn’t with her, and that thought led her to wonder what he did all night if he wasn’t sleeping. She pushed the thought aside, not allowing herself to imagine him in danger, even though she could see his gun wrapped in its holster, inside his half-open overnight bag.

When she woke up on the couch, he was gone.

She had no idea how he’d managed to sneak out without waking her. It was disorienting, and even a little bit disturbing. Bianca got up and found a note. It did make her feel better to see it, though it was just two lines.

I’ll see you tomorrow night for the fundraiser.

And I left my toothbrush,


Still, it went a long way toward making her feel like he might possibly stay in her life and not just breeze through it. She knew they weren’t quite a couple yet, but she realized now that was what she wanted. She’d dated lots of guys, but Bianca had never met anyone she wanted to be with exclusively. She wanted that with Elias, even though her family seemed pretty set against him. She smiled at the note he’d left her long after she’d finished reading it, her gaze drawn to the way he wrote his name.

She spent the rest of the day taking her online classes and setting early appointments to get her hair and nails done before the event. She wanted to look perfect. When she wasn’t studying, she was fielding calls from her brothers. Rafe just wanted to make sure she was going and that she was going to be ready on time in his classic micro-managing way, and Cassiel was trying to get her to go with anyone but Elias.