Page 135 of Touch in the Night

“Uh, Ty,” he said, scurrying after him. “This really isn’t a good time.”

“Go swivel, Naz,” Tyler said and shoved open his sister’s office door. He shut it in Nasir’s face but not before registering his ex’s pained frown.

Emerald was on the phone. Her scarlet suit was as sharp as her gaze, which locked on Tyler and stayed there, even though she didn’t miss a beat in her conversation.

“Well, that’s exactly what I said. I agree. We just have to get ahead of it. Yes. Exactly. Look…” She tilted her head. “Can I call you back? Ten minutes? Thanks.”

She replaced the receiver with a deliberate click. “Tyler. What a nice surprise.”

“Leave it out, sis,” he said, dropping into one of the armchairs that faced her oversized desk. “If you picked up your bloody phone, I wouldn’t have to barge in like this, would I?”

“In case you didn’t notice,” she said with an icy smile, “the appointment of the lord mayoralty is due. Getting appointed two years running would make history—and Iintendto make history. So I have rather a lot on my plate, to say the least.”

“I ain’t leaving until you talk to me.”

Emerald sat motionless with her fingers twined together for such a long time that Tyler knew a sneak of apprehension up his spine. Then she stood, straightened her jacket and went to the door.

Tyler braced himself to be hustled out by security, but instead she just leaned out and said, “Naz?”

“Yes, Lord Mayor?” Nasir scrambled to his feet, tidying papers.

“Take an early lunch. There’s a good chap.”

Nasir’s eyes flicked to Tyler then back. “Yes, Lord Mayor,” he said and left.

Emerald waited until the lift doors had pinged shut before closing the door again. She resumed her seat without meeting Tyler’s eyes.

“Okay, little brother,” she said, leaning back in her seat. “You have four minutes. What do you want?”

“I saw Walker this morning.”

She lifted a sculpted eyebrow. “He hasn’t taken out a restraining order yet, then.” Tyler glowered. “And did the Detective Inspector have any news?”

“You know he didn’t. You’d’ve known before me.”

“What’s your point Tyler?” she said in a bored tone, doodling on her notepad.

Tyler watched her closely. “Someone dumped four bodies on the steps of the police station overnight.”

Emerald stopped doodling. “Excuse me?”

Tyler shook his head. “Not dead. Beat up…bad. There was a lot of fucking blood…”

The sharp lines of her face tightened. “You were there?”

“No,” Tyler said hurriedly. “Like I said, I went this morning. They were just clearing up.”

“I see.” Her expression was watchful.

“Walker asked me ifIdid it. When I put him straight, he asked me to askyou.”

Emerald had gone very still. “Me?”

Tyler nodded. “Have you heard anything?” Emerald looked at the wall. Tyler dragged his chair closer and lowered his voice. “Please, Emmy. I gotta find that guy. I can’t sleep knowing he’s out there…”

“And what’s your Lucien thing got to do with four scumbags being dumped at Fulford Road?”

Tyler paused. “Who said they were scumbags?” Emerald’s red lips twitched. “You know something, Emmy. What is it?”