Page 97 of Touch in the Night

She shrugged. “The truth should be viral, don’t you think?”

“Fine,” Jesse said, his patience snapping. “The truth is that, yes, I’m fucking Emory Von Magnusson. And it’s the best fucking sex I’ve ever had. And that’s all there is to that story.”

“I believe there’s more to it.” Jesse kept silent. Trixy regarded him with narrowed eyes. “You know he’s killed people, right? That’s a fact.”

Jesse shifted in his chair. “Of course I know.”

“And you’re okay with doing the dirty with a killer?”

“He’s not—” Jesse cut off, making an impatient noise. “That was literally hundreds of years ago.”

“And what if you found out he’d killed kids, huh? Even back then? Would you still feel the same?”

Jesse stared at her. “You…you don’t know that.”

“It’s as possible as anything else, isn’t it?”

“No,” Jesse said firmly. “It isn’t.”

“So you won’t mind if I release these pictures, then?” She said, picking up the phone and swiping. “There’s a video, too, you know. Quite good quality. The camera you recommended has a great zoom. And you know if you stand out on the moor at night, with Oswald House all lit up, you really can see everything. Of course, I wasn’t expecting to see you—”

“What do youwant?”

“Like I said…an interview,” she said, pocketing her phone. “Tell me what’s going on at Oswald House. Is the kid dead?”

“Of course she’s not bloody dead.”

“Tied up like you, then?”

“Trixy, that’s sick.”

“Come on, then. Who is she? Why’d he take her?”

“She’s his—”

“Hiswhat?” Her eyes danced. “Jess?”

“It’s no one else’s bloody business.”

She raised her painted eyebrows. “You owe it to the world to let everyone know what’s really going on up there.”

“I owe the world shit. That’s all it’s ever given me.”

“Just give me the kid’s name, Jess. I can dig up the rest.”

“You’re not digging anything up,” Jesse said, standing so quickly his chair hit the wall. “Not outta me, anyway. Release the damn video. See if I care.”

“I think your brother will care.”

“My brother already hates me,” he said, turning away. “You can’t make him hate me more.”

“Tell me what he’s like then,” Trixy said, hurrying after him as he made for the door. “What’s the Undying Baron like in bed, Jess? It certainly looks like he knows what he’s doing.”

“Fuck off, Trixy.”

“Is he rough? Does he bite you? Is he going to make you a vampire, too?”

Jesse stormed out into the icy cold street with his emotions rioting in his chest.