“Not yet,” Magnusson rumbled, digging the sharp fingernails of his other hand into Jesse’s side. The sensation sent shocks of pain needling through his peaking arousal.
Jesse took a deep breath, then another, and fought himself back from the edge.
“Good,” Magnusson purred in his ear. “Very good. Now, this little addition,” he said, tugging the nipple piercing again. Jesse swallowed a groan with a monumental effort. “Is this just to ‘look cool’? Or is it for quite a different purpose, I wonder?”
Jesse couldn’t have answered if he’d tried. Magnusson flattened his hand over the nipple and massaged it, scraping his sharp nails up his side with his other hand. Jesse twitched, clenched his eyes shut.
“Not yet.” Magnusson was right by his ear. “Hold on.”
“I…I can’t,” he gasped as the fire surged in his abdomen.
“Yes, you can,” the haemophile said, “I’m ordering you to.”
His left hand tightened around Jesse’s biceps as his other hand left his nipple to slide, maddeningly slow, down his stomach.
“No sounds, Jesse—or I’ll punish you.”
“But…ah,fuck.” Magnusson ran his tongue up his neck. His grip on Jesse’s arm was like iron. His other hand pressed against Jesse’s belly, just above the waistline of his shorts. “Sir, fuck,please.”
“Now you’ve disobeyed,” he whispered, “so you will have to wait.”
Jesse whimpered and reached for his cock, which was now so hard it was almost painful. But a vise-like grip clamped around his wrist.
“You’re testing me. Stay still, Jesse. Stay silent.Obey.”
Jesse heaved breaths into his choked chest and nodded. Magnusson released his wrist. Jesse kept his hand at his side, though his arm shook with the effort.
“There,” Magnusson muttered into his neck. “I knew you had it in you.”
The haemophile ran a hand up Jesse’s arm again, over his shoulder and down his back, the touch softer than silk, even as his hold on the other arm was hard as steel. He traced circles at the small of Jesse’s back. Jesse fought another whimper, feeling the fire burn, blisteringly hot, behind his balls. Too hot to bear.
“Almost time,” Magnusson whispered, tracing his lips up the back of Jesse’s neck. He made a low rumbling noise as he slid his fingers over the waistband of Jesse’s shorts to grasp his hip through the damp fabric. Jesse quivered like a bowstring. “With me you will learn the reward is always sweeter if you wait just a bit longer than you think you can.”
Jesse wanted to swear, curse, grab the teasing hand that was now sliding down his thigh, thrust his cock into it and come harder than he had in months…years. But Magnusson pricked a warning against his arm. Jesse quivered, still and silent, though wondered if his heart might burst under the pressure.
Slowly, seemingly slower than tectonic plates moving, Magnusson reached toward Jesse’s groin. Jesse inhaled deeply, watching the reflection. Magnusson met his eyes in the dark glass then, finally, grasped him through his shorts.
Jesse cried out and the world dissolved into a glittering fountain of shattered crystal. It seemed to last for hours, but then he was sagging with his hands on his knees, blinking at the wet tiles.
He straightened, dizzy and sated. Magnusson was gone.
Jesse fumbled for his towel and hurried to the door. Both study and library were empty. He stood in the dark, shivering and blinking, trying to figure out exactly what had happened.
Chapter Seven
“Sorry,” Jesse said, flustered as hurried into the security room late the next morning. “I overslept.”
Tom smiled as he held out a mug of coffee. “Swimming helped?”
“Yeah,” Jesse said, taking the coffee and not meeting Tom’s eyes. “You could say that.”
“I wouldn’t worry,” Tom said, turning back to his computer. “I think you’re on the way to being the boss’s new favorite.”
Jesse froze with his coffee mug to his lips. “Huh?”
Tom gestured at the screen. “Seems he came back from London early. He’s requested a meeting with you…tonight.”