Tom beamed then led the way back to the public spaces of the house and up the glass stairs to the second floor.
“As I say, no surveillance up here,” Tom said as they moved down a corridor with paintings on the walls and flowers on the tables, “apart from the windows. Staff quarters are all on the top floor. We have our own staircase from the break room. But thought you’d better see the whole thing.”
“So what are these? Bedrooms?” Jesse said, reaching for a handle, but Tom put his hand out to stop him.
“Yes. But you don’t need to see them.”
“Who are they for?”
“Guests…when he has them. This way.”
Jesse frowned at his tone but followed him through another locked door and up a utilitarian staircase to a floor that looked more like one in a hotel, uniform doors and spot lighting.
“This is Filip’s room,” Tom said as they moved along. “The rest of his personal security rotate on shift and don’t live in. This is Kate’s.”
“Greenway,” Tom explained. “Though, in honesty, she doesn’t really sleep much. This belongs to Alfreeda, the housekeeper. Opposite hers is mine. Then, finally,” he stopped at the door right at the end. “This is yours.”
“Next to yours?”
“Next to mine. But don’t worry, I don’t snore.”
Jesse tried to decide if that look was back in his eyes, then opened the door. He hovered awkwardly on the threshold. The room was almost as big as his entire flat. There was a rich, blue carpet under his feet and the walls were painted in an eggshell color that complimented the dark carpet and the warm wood of the furnishings. A door to the side opened onto a roomy en suite. He wandered into it a little helplessly.
“It’s nice.”
“Glad you think so.”
“I’ll need network ports installed,” Jesse said, waving at the desk. “And more plug sockets.”
“Does that mean you’re saying yes?”
Jesse paused. Tom had an expectant look on his face.
“I just…” He examined Tom’s guileless expression for a moment. “What’s the catch?”
Jesse gave him a baleful look. “I broke into this guy’s house. I helped a YouTuber try to ruin him. Now he wants to pay me to live in his mansion and play with his hardware?” Tom colored, but Jesse made sure he didn’t break eye contact. “There’s gotta be something I’m not getting.”
“Sometimes things are as good as they look.”
“You trust him then? Magnusson?”
“With my life.”
Jesse was surprised at his serious tone. He resisted looking at the scar on Tom’s neck with an effort. Then his thoughts returned to his cold, pokey flat with its empty fridge and damp walls.
“I guess it couldn’t hurt to give it a go…”
Tom grinned. “That’s great news. Emory will be so pleased.” He hesitated, glancing out of the window at the gathering dusk. “We’ve probably got time for a walk around the perimeter before it gets properly dark? Might as well see all of what you’ll be dealing with.”
“Sounds good.”
Tom chattered about the perimeter cameras as they descended the glass staircase, but reached the bottom, froze and fell silent.
Chapter Five