She ran over the teacups where two girls were ready to help her climb in.
Jesse shook his head. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a kid so happy.”
“I hope she gets to feel like this every day,” Emory said, softly, putting his arm around Jesse’s waist. “But not every day will be a birthday.”
“I don’t believe for a second you’re regretting anything,” Jesse mocked, prodding Emory in the ribs.
“Of course not,” he said, smiling as Dimity waved from her teacup. “The battle’s over.” He raised his eyes to where Darragh Kelly stood off to the side with a knot of security people, murmuring with their heads together before the guards nodded and fanned out to patrol the perimeter. “But there’s still a war going on out there. Who knows if the fighting will ever stop.”
“The fight’s over for us,” Jesse said, taking his hand. “You’re a real dad. The world will see that, and it will get better for everyone.”
“I hope so.”
Jesse kissed him on the cheek and sighed, holding his face against his lover’s. “Even if it doesn’t, who cares. It’s working for us.”
Emory drew breath to say something else then his gaze fixed over Jesse’s shoulder. “Well, maybe you’re right.”
Jesse turned. Anton stood in the gateway, staring around with a set expression. Oliver was at his side. Anton was clutching his son’s hand like a lifeline. Oliver’s face was a bright mix of wonder and fear.
“Jesus,” Jesse said softly, coming forward. “Ant?”
Anton looked up. Oliver’s face transformed in an instant. “Uncle Jesse!” He tore his hand from his father’s and raced over.
“Hey, mate,” Jesse said, fighting the emotion that threatened to catch in his throat as he knelt to hug his nephew.
“Dad said you’d be here,” Oliver said, smiling nervously at Emory. “I don’t know if he wanted to come. But he changed his mind.”
“We’re all allowed to change our minds, mate,” Jesse said, ruffling Oliver’s hair and meeting his brother’s gaze. “Everyone gets a second chance.”
“Mr. Truelove,” Emory said, holding out his hand. “I can’t tell you how pleased I am that you accepted my invitation.”
Anton stared at Emory. His face was pale and his jaw tight. “I’m not sure I’ve accepted anything, yet,” he said, taking Oliver’s hand and drawing him back by his side. Oliver went mutely, his face falling.
“That is entirely your decision,” Emory said. “But if you’ll forgive me, I’ll still allow myself to be encouraged by the fact that you came at all. It means a lot…to both of us.” Emory squeezed Jesse’s shoulder but didn’t break eye contact with Anton. Anton stiffened but didn’t look away. Emory smiled at Oliver then again at Anton. “May I?”
In that moment, Jesse felt like he’d fallen in love with Emory all over again. Anton considered for a long moment, but Jesse could see the surprise and grudging approval in his eyes. Finally, he nodded.
Emory lowered himself to one knee and held his hand out. “It’s very nice to meet you, Oliver. Your uncle has told me all about you.”
Oliver’s face twitched. He took Emory’s large hand uncertainly. “I…I liked your lights. The Christmas lights.”
“Well, thank you,” Emory said. “I especially hoped that children would enjoy them. Did you have a favorite?”
“The moon,” Oliver said, smiling shyly. “Definitely the moon. It changed, went from full to a crescent and everything.”
Emory’s eyes swirled like seawater on a warm summer’s night. “The world is a really beautiful place…even at night. Don’t you think?”
“Definitely,” Oliver said, unaware of his father watching the exchange closely. “Lights always shine brighter at night, don’t they?”
“You’re a very intelligent young man,” Emory said, getting to his feet. “It’s a pleasure to have met you.”
“You too, sir,” Oliver said, grinning and looking over at the other children. “Is it true? Is Dimity here?”
“She certainly is,” he said. “This is her birthday party. However…” Emory glanced over to where Kelly was endeavoring to catch his attention. Jesse was startled to see Tom at his side, a tablet in his hand and a warm smile on his face as he raised his other hand in greeting to Jesse.
“I’m sorry. If you’ll excuse me,” Emory said, bowing his head to Anton. “I need to have a word with my security team, make sure everything is secure. Jesse,” he said then kissed him firmly on the mouth and stepped away, “I’ll give you a moment. But I believe Dimity requires you on the carousel before too long.”
“Carousel, oh, Dad!” Oliver cried. “Dimity’s going on the carousel.”