“And you have asked him to is my guess?”
“Your Honor,” Kelly said smoothly, leaning forward on his elbow. “Forgive me, but nothing in our files or deposition indicated—”
“I read the news, Mr. Kelly,” she said sharply. “And, God help me, watch YouTube. Unfortunately, Mr. Truelove’s most private desires are no longer private—which, as much as I regret it, is very much impactful in this case.” She looked back at Jesse. Dizziness fogged his head, but he did not blink. “You are a practitioner of BDSM, Mr. Truelove?”
Jesse shifted in the seat. “That’s a very fancy way of putting it, but yeah, I guess I am.”
“Again, forgive me, but does this mean you enjoy the act of being dominated? Restrained? Even hurt by your partner?”
“Don’t knock it ’till you’ve tried it, love. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Who’s to say I haven’t?” The judge’s lips twitched. The silence in the room took on a very different quality. Jesse suppressed a smile with only partial success. The judge gave him a tiny nod of encouragement. “So, to return to my point, I’m assuming at some point during your relationship with the baron, you have requested that he hurt you? Inflict pain? Possibly more?”
Jesse glanced at Emory. His gaze was still fixed on Jesse. Jesse looked back at the judge.
“Yes. I have.”
“And did he do as you asked?”
Jesse shook his head. “No, Your Honor…not once. And I’ve asked a lot.”
“Thank you, Mr. Truelove,” the judge said after a beat, in which she examined his face. “You may stand down.”
Jesse was shaking as he returned to his seat. Harrison was saying something, and Kelly was interrupting, but Jesse didn’t hear any of it. Emory turned in his seat and smiled, grasping his hand. Then the judge was banging her gavel for silence.
“Don’t think I’m not aware of the significance of this case,” the judge said, meeting every set of eyes in the room in turn. “The decision made here today will set precedents and therefore affect many families going forward, not to mention the place of haemophiles and their rights within the law of this country. I am more than aware of all this. But, first and foremost, my job is to protect the interests of Dimity.” She straightened her back and closed her file. “It is my decision that the parental rights of Dimity Hawthorn should remain with the Baron Emory Von Magnusson.”
A stutter went through the room. A buzzing started in Jesse’s ears. The judge raised her voice to silence the lawyers. “It is my considered opinion the baron will not only provide Dimity with a secure and prosperous home, but a safe and loving one, too.” She looked at Emory. Jesse wished he could see his face as his own blood pounded in his ears. “I trust he is up to the responsibility and will not only do right by Dimity but will do so as a representative of his own kind in this landmark ruling.”
“I am, Your Honor,” Emory said, standing and bowing. “And I will. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
“Your Honor,” Harrison said again, but the judge lifted her hand.
“You have my ruling, Mr. Harrison. Thank you, everyone.”
Jesse flung his arms around Emory from behind and buried his face in his fine-smelling suit, choking into the fabric.
“You did it,” he cried, not hearing anything beyond the rushing in his ears. “You fucking did it.”
“Wedid it,” he said as he turned and gathered Jesse to him, wrapping his strong arms around him and crushing him. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
When Emory finally extricated himself from Jesse’s arms, Kelly stood by, holding out his hand. Emory shook it, smiling wide enough himself to show teeth, but there was nothing threatening in the expression, the joy in his eyes was too bright.
Helena stepped up to them. Her face was grim.
“Helena,” Emory said, stepping past Kelly to meet her, his expression guarded but kind, “I won’t say I’m sorry. I love Dimity, and I won’t apologize for that. But I know you do, too. And I hope you will still be involved in Dimity’s life.”
Jesse was startled to see tears standing in Helena’s eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but the only thing that came out was a choked noise and she clamped it shut again, turned on her heel and stalked for the door.
“It’s now Dimity’s birthday,” Emory called after her. She paused at the door. “I have a surprise planned. I’ll send the details. I hope you’ll consider joining.”
Helena glared at her lawyers, who were already checking their watches and packing away their papers, then at Jesse. Jesse tried for a smile. “I think Dim would like that, right?”
Helena exhaled sharply and hurried from the room.
Jesse was so mixed up with relief and joy that he barely registered leaving the court building or the crowds surrounding it. Emory didn’t seem to notice them, either. He made for his limo with his hand clasped tight around Jesse’s while Kelly hung back to address the crowd.
As soon as they were alone, they were kissing, heatedly, Jesse both laughing and crying and kissing every bit of Emory’s face as he kept trying to capture Jesse’s mouth. Finally, he did, and their tongues met as the car pulled out, until Emory broke off with a deep sigh that seemed to well up from his soul.