“What’s the matter?”
“I saw her…on the news. Dimity.”
Jesse sat up, heart pounding. “You saw her? A picture?”
“Yeah,” Oliver said, his voice small. “They’re saying that vampire kidnapped her—and Dad says you’re working for him.”
“Hold on a second, mate,” Jesse said, trying for a cheery tone. “No one’s kidnapped anyone, okay?”
“Do you work for him, Uncle Jesse? Have you seen her?”
“Yes, mate. She’s here with me. She’s fine.”
“Would I lie?” Jesse said, making sure his smile was audible in his voice. “I can’t explain all this right now, but I swear Dimity is fine.” Something moved in the corner of his eye, and he turned his head. Dimity stood in the doorway with her rabbit clutched tightly to her chest. Her eyes were wide and round.
“Hey, Dim, love,” he said shakily, holding out his hand. “You all right?” She nodded stiffly after a moment’s consideration. “I’ve got Olly on the phone here. Wanna come say hi?”
Her face brightened a little, and she came forward.
“Is she there?” Oliver said, his voice cheering.
“Yeah, buddy, she’s right here. Say hello, love.” Jesse handed the phone to Dimity. She held it to her ear, smiling shyly.
“Is that you, Olly? Yes, it’s me. I’m okay.” She was quiet a moment as she listened, then she giggled. “That soundsso cool. I got paints for Christmas…and painting stuff. And Daddy says I can have ice cream for breakfast for a week.”
“I don’t think he did,” Jesse said with tired amusement, holding out his hand. “Say goodnight now.”
“Goodnight, Olly. See you soon.” She handed the phone back.
“We gotta go,” Jesse said, smiling at Dimity. “And you better get to bed before your dad realizes you’ve been on the phone.”
“Have you had another fight?” Oliver’s voice had sunk again.
“Yeah, we did. But things’ll be right as rain again soon.”
“Promise.” He hung up, swallowing guilt at the lie, and smiled at Dimity. “Hey, love. Why are you out of bed?”
“What’s happening?” Her eyes shone with fear. “There were alarms…and shouting.”
“It’s nothing you need to worry about,” he said, holding out his hand. She allowed him to draw her onto the stair next to him.
“Where’s Daddy?”
Jesse flinched. “You know what, love? I’m not sure. But he’ll be back soon.”
Dimity frowned as she examined his face and lifted her fingers to touch the bandage on his forehead. “Did you hurt yourself?”
“Just a bump,” he said, trying for another smile, even though it made his head pound. “Don’t you think we should get you back to bed?”
She shook her head defiantly. “Not before I see Daddy.”
“Okay,” Jesse said, getting stiffly to his feet and holding his hand out for hers. “Tell you what… We’ll go to your room, and we’ll both wait for Daddy.”
She weighed him up for a long moment, then nodded and took his hand. Joanna met them in the corridor, visibly relieved to see Dimity.